m2ms / fragalysis-frontend

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Tag assignment bugs #789

Open phraenquex opened 2 years ago

phraenquex commented 2 years ago
    • "Assign tags" needs a scroll bar
    • "Assign tags" needs a "not all selected" symbol (asterisk?)
    • show how many hits are selected (next to "Unselect" button
    • Untagging with a partially-tagging tag (e.g. "Active site" (Mpro)) sometimes doesn't seem to do anything (screenshot below)

For point 4 above: do this in Mpro: clear the hit navigator, then filter "S1-prime extensions", then click the edit pencil, then click on "Active site" (which is already highlighted) - but nothing happens. Playing a bit more (using the "Intersection" option), you find that tagging with "Active site" tags (or untags) them one hit at a time. Definitely broken. image

Another example: in Mpro,

rsanchezgarc commented 2 years ago

May I suggest having some "protected" tags that only admin users can modify?

phraenquex commented 2 years ago

I prefer we stick to these bugs first. Feel free to issue a new ticket for that item, @rsanchezgarc

boriskovar-m2ms commented 2 years ago

One of the problems is that when you untag some hits in Tag assignment window then these molecules disappear from the hit navigator. Previously I implemented functionality that tagging and untagging hit in Tag editor (now what is actually Tag details but was in place of Tag assignment window) wouldn't remove them from hit navigator and given hits would be removed only after the editing window (previously tag editor and now tag assignment) was closed. This can cause a lot of confusion.

boriskovar-m2ms commented 2 years ago

@duncanpeacock The source of (at least some) of the glitches is that I can only assign (or remove) tag from hit one by one i.e. if I have 400 selected hits in the hit navigator and assign tag to them, it means that I must perform 400 api calls. I think it's needed that we have a api batch update.

phraenquex commented 2 years ago

I confirm that this bug is a serious limitation to tag usage; but what is critical is reliability; speed is NOT critical.

@duncanpeacock please estimate the work involved in a batch-wise tagging, for discussion later today. Create a new ticket if necessary. @boriskovar-m2ms also suggest hacky work-arounds, e.g. pop up a modal while you send out requests with 0.1s delays between API calls.

rsanchezgarc commented 2 years ago

@boriskovar-m2ms I cannot get the same numbers that Frank gets. My intersection between Active site and Isoquinoline contains only one molecule