Closed Nik31 closed 5 years ago
No idea why. Sign the document without parentheses in the description /Contents (DS ENDURANCE INTERNATIONAL GROUP (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED 1 DATE: 2019.11.20)
The file:sample-signed.pdf is not valid, error(s) : 1.0.14 : Syntax error, Object {52:0} has an offset of 0 1.0.14 : Syntax error, Object {54:0} has an offset of 0
changed the sigflags to 3 and it is being recognised now as digitally signed but now this problem persists that
`#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
""" A tool which takes in pdf, pfx file, password as input and gives out a corresponding signed pdf
""" import argparse import pytz import re import sys
from OpenSSL.crypto import load_pkcs12 from endesive import pdf from datetime import datetime
signature_string = lambda organization, date, country : (organization + '\nDATE: '+ date)
def eprint(error): print(error, file=sys.stderr)
def load_pfx(file_path, password): """ Function to load pkcs12 object from the given password protected pfx file."""
return load_pkcs12(open(file_path, 'rb').read(), password.encode())
def create_args(): """Creates CLI arguments for the pdfSigner script."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script for digitally signing a pdf') parser.add_argument('pfx_certificate', type=str, help='Specify keystore file in .pfx format (Mandatory)') parser.add_argument('password', type=str, help=' Specify password for keystore file (mandatory)') parser.add_argument('src', type=str, help='Specify the source file (.pdf) that needs to be digitally signed. Only 1 file at a time can be signed. (Mandatory) ') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dest', type=str, help='Specify the destination file where digitally signed content will be stored.When not specified, by default it will ' 'digitally sign the source file.(Mandatory) \n' 'E.g. Given source file /var/hp/some.pdf will be digitally signed') parser.add_argument('-c', '--coords', type=str, help='Specify the co-ordinates of where you want the digital signature to be placed on the PDF file page.(Optional)\n' 'Format: Accepts 4 comma-separated float values (without spaces). E.g. 1,2,3,4 ') parser.add_argument('-p', '--page', type=int, help='You can specify the page number of PDF file where digital signature(Optional)')
return parser.parse_args()
def validate_args(args): """Validating commandline arguments raises valueError exception with if any command line arguments are not valid."""
IS_PFX = lambda pfx_certificate: re.match( r'^(.[^,]+)(.pfx|.PFX){1}$', pfx_certificate) if not IS_PFX(args.pfx_certificate): raise ValueError('Not a proper pfx file with .pfx or .PFX extension') if args.coords: for num in args.coords.split(','): if not num.isdigit(): raise ValueError('Coords are not integers')
def run(): args = create_args()
try: validate_args(args) except ValueError as e: eprint(e) sys.exit(1)
p12 = load_pfx(args.pfx_certificate, args.password)
subject = p12.get_certificate().get_subject()
timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Calcutta')
#default coords of bottom right corner in a pdf page
coords = [350, 50, 550, 150]
if args.coords:
coords = [int(coord) for coord in args.coords.split(',') if coord]
page = if else 0
dest = args.dest if args.dest else args.src
date =
date = date.strftime('%Y.%m.%d')
signature = signature_string(subject.CN, date, subject.C)
dct = {
b'sigflags': 3,
b'sigpage': page - 1,
b'contact': b'',
b'location': subject.C.encode(),
b'signingdate': date.encode(),
b'reason': b'Signed by endurance',
b'signature': signature.encode(),
b'signaturebox': tuple(coords[:4]),
input_file = args.src
datau = open(input_file, 'rb').read()
datas = pdf.cms.sign(datau,
output_file = input_file.replace(input_file, dest)
with open(output_file, 'wb') as fp:
except Exception as e: eprint(e) sys.exit()
if name == 'main': run(); `
There is a problem with the time when the document was signed and the time zone. I'm checking different settings
Please confirm my results - it works for me
ya works fine for me date was the main issue thanks alot :)