I get this intermittently, and only in the vagrant machine (which is naturally slower). I've experienced this before in other projects, and it is due to Scalatest's remarkably low default timeout of 150ms for a Future. I've never found a great solution to this problem other than increasing the scale factor when running tests, but am open to suggestions.
[info] RichFutureWithTiming
[info] - should not start measuring too early *** FAILED ***
[info] A timeout occurred waiting for a future to complete. Queried 11 times, sleeping 15 milliseconds between each query. (RichFutureWithTimingSpec.scala:43)
[info] org.scalatest.concurrent.Futures$FutureConcept$$anon$1:
[info] at org.scalatest.concurrent.Futures$FutureConcept$class.tryTryAgain$1(Futures.scala:546)
[info] at org.scalatest.concurrent.Futures$FutureConcept$class.futureValue(Futures.scala:558)
[info] at org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures$$anon$1.futureValue(ScalaFutures.scala:74)
[info] at org.scalatest.concurrent.Futures$class.whenReady(Futures.scala:684)
[info] at com.m3.octoparts.future.RichFutureWithTimingSpec.whenReady(RichFutureWithTimingSpec.scala:9)
[info] at com.m3.octoparts.future.RichFutureWithTimingSpec$$anonfun$1.apply$mcV$sp(RichFutureWithTimingSpec.scala:43)
[info] at com.m3.octoparts.future.RichFutureWithTimingSpec$$anonfun$1.apply(RichFutureWithTimingSpec.scala:14)
[info] at com.m3.octoparts.future.RichFutureWithTimingSpec$$anonfun$1.apply(RichFutureWithTimingSpec.scala:14)
... snip ...
I get this intermittently, and only in the vagrant machine (which is naturally slower). I've experienced this before in other projects, and it is due to Scalatest's remarkably low default timeout of 150ms for a Future. I've never found a great solution to this problem other than increasing the scale factor when running tests, but am open to suggestions.