m3m3nto / giaa

Google Indexing API automator
MIT License
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GSC url property not found #1

Closed MrZANO closed 5 years ago

MrZANO commented 5 years ago

Ciao, ho provato a fare tutte le configurazioni che ci sono scritte nelle istruzioni, ma qualsiasi URL provo a pushare ottengo sempre

GSC url property not found e sulla console (windoes) Starting indexer service... (node:9864) DeprecationWarning: Mongoose: findOneAndUpdate() and findOneAndDelete() without the useFindAndModify option set to false are deprecated. See: https://mongoosejs.com/docs/deprecations.html#-findandmodify-

Hai qualche suggerimento da potermi dare?

m3m3nto commented 5 years ago

Ciao, hai agganciato anche la proprietà GSC nell'area di configurazione? http://localhost:3000/config GSC url property not found, indica che non viene trovata la property di Search Console associata al dominio della pagina che stai richiedendo.

Il messaggio in console è relativo a mongoose, e non inficia l'attività dell'indexer.

m3m3nto commented 5 years ago

Dopo che hai scaricato il file del certificato in formato .json in Google API e associato l'account alla ownership di GSC, devi copiare il file nella directory config/cids. Avvia Giaa come hai già fatto e vai nell'area di configurazione http://localhost:3000/config. Associa il dominio di GSC al file json appena copiato:


MrZANO commented 5 years ago

Grazie per l'aiuto, ho fatto tutti i passi. Data l'autenticazione a GSC alla mail che mi ha generato il processo di gestione delle API e poi generato il json che ho inserito in cartella config/cids. Niente non riesco a fare interrogazioni.


Hai qualche consiglio da darmi?

MrZANO commented 5 years ago

Ho paura che sia un problema di autenticaizione perchè dalle API non vedo passare nessuna richiesta.

Nella guida https://developers.google.com/search/apis/indexing-api/v3/prereqs non ho fatto la parte di "Ottenere un token di accesso" perchè immagino che il sistema richieda in automatico il token, ma non vedo passare richieste.

MrZANO commented 5 years ago

risolto, era un problema di match dei domini di search console. Il dominio che inserivo era senza / finale ed io inserivo lo slash in domain dell'applicativo. Adesso funziona correttamente!!!

m3m3nto commented 5 years ago


adrian-ndo commented 1 year ago

I'm gonna connect to that thread as I've got the same issue when running that locally

trying to add the domain in multiple version with/without trailing slash at the end clear database and create it again but still got this "GSC url property not found" have a look here please:

Screenshot at Apr 20 13-51-01
m3m3nto commented 1 year ago

Hi @adrian-neadoo, have you completed all the setup steps? https://github.com/m3m3nto/giaa#giaa-basic-configuration

adrian-ndo commented 1 year ago

@m3m3nto call looks like it's set correctly although I didn't touch the config/app.js file.

I'm using the same JSON key in another tool and it works correctly

I'm adding domain and checking that there are no whitespaces before/after but apparently I'm doing something wrong but don't have a clue what

m3m3nto commented 1 year ago

@adrian-neadoo There should be an exact match between the domain in GSC and the one in GIAA; i.e: if the domain in GSC is https://www.mysite.com/ the same domain should be added in GIAA.


Also verify that the Google Cloud service account has ownership permissions within the GSC.


adrian-ndo commented 1 year ago

thanks for your time @m3m3nto appriciate it :)

yes so all looks good to me check out the 3 screenshot below

  1. the configuration in giaa - domain is in format https://mydomain.pl/ (with slash at the end) for a.json - but as earlier when trying to submit it returns "GSC url property not found" when trying to submit homepage in the same format
  2. GSC screenshot with users section the user is added as owner
  3. its a.json from cids - same email as in above GSC ;) checked via search to make sure there is no typo :D

any idea what should I check more. I also try with different domain but same error.


m3m3nto commented 1 year ago

Wich URL are you trying to send to the indexing api? It contains a trailing slash?

adrian-ndo commented 1 year ago

yes no matter if I use https://domain.pl domain.pl/ or subpage domain.pl/url

Screenshot at Apr 21 14-10-30
m3m3nto commented 1 year ago

yes but your requests point to http, and the registered domain is https. Isn't it?

adrian-ndo commented 1 year ago

yeah you are right that in the previous I used http but with https it's stille the same

yordiverbeeck commented 7 months ago

@adrian-ndo Have you every got this working? Running into the same issues

adrian-ndo commented 7 months ago

unfortunately no, I gave up tbh @yordiverbeeck

yordiverbeeck commented 7 months ago

@adrian-ndo Alright thanks for the reply, after some more debugging I found the simple solution which was in the DB querying. Might fix it for you too if you were still hoping to get this working 😅 https://github.com/m3m3nto/giaa/pull/40