m3n0sd0n4ld / GooFuzz

GooFuzz is a tool to perform fuzzing with an OSINT approach, managing to enumerate directories, files, subdomains or parameters without leaving evidence on the target's server and by means of advanced Google searches (Google Dorking).
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.29k stars 131 forks source link

Feature Request: Proxy Support #11

Closed Zeetaz closed 2 months ago

Zeetaz commented 3 months ago

Hello mate, noticed that this tool actually is included as the default for the OSINT section on reNgine 2.0 https://github.com/yogeshojha/rengine

However, that tool does not support any stand-alone rotating proxy features out of the box, instead it relies on tools having a proxy flag to easily utilized them. I'm just here to shamelessly ask if this is something that you would consider implementing?

-proxy http://proxyIP:1234

Essentially, I think this would be good enough(?):

Other than that, the tool is great, cheers!

Zeetaz commented 3 months ago

Hmm, or perhaps this feature has been left out intentionally?

m3n0sd0n4ld commented 3 months ago


Thank you for contacting me and letting me know that GooFuzz is included in reNgine 2.0, it is something I didn't know.

About your question, you can include it, as you say, curl has the "-x" option for it and you only have to include it.

And why doesn't it have it? Because it was never thought, since it is a tool that automates and facilitates the Google Dorking, so it made no sense to have it.

I will add it as an optional parameter, taking advantage of some new functionality/improvement of the tool, I can not tell you when it will be.

Thanks for writing, I will let you know when it is ready.

Best regards,

m3n0sd0n4ld commented 2 months ago

The option has been added in the new version of GooFuzz v.1.2.5.

Thanks for the suggestion.