m3t4f1v3 / wallpaper-engine-using-wine

Relatively hacky way to get wallpaper engine working under plasma (and maybe other DE's) without having to implement anything myself
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current issues with winrt #1

Open m3t4f1v3 opened 5 months ago

m3t4f1v3 commented 5 months ago

0188:err:combase:RoGetActivationFactory Failed to find library for L"Windows.Media.Control.GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionManager" - by wallpaper engine itself, likely a wine bug

00d0:fixme:combase:RoGetActivationFactory (L"Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlayer", {00000035-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, 000000000020F700): semi-stub - from the winrt_client.py script, also likely a wine bug since it works on native windows

m3t4f1v3 commented 4 months ago

can probably use localStorage to implement it

m3t4f1v3 commented 4 months ago

format is LSBK0001{sha1 of the variable name}LSKV0001"value of the variable"{sha1 of the 2nd variable name}LSKV0001"value of the 2nd variable"

m3t4f1v3 commented 4 months ago

will probably have a loop that runs every second that pushes data to this (symlinked to /tmp ofc) and one running in an update loop in we that (attempts) to send mediaPlaybackChanged

m3t4f1v3 commented 4 months ago

nvm apparently it caches the file each time

m3t4f1v3 commented 1 month ago

cheat engine is probably a good way to overcome it