m4dEngi / RemotePlayWhatever

Tiny application that lets you force remote play together any game you have in your steam library including non-steam ones.
MIT License
1.02k stars 38 forks source link

Security issue #36

Open rumchild opened 2 years ago

rumchild commented 2 years ago

While I was experimenting with this program, I tried using it with a game I didn't actually own on steam. When I gave my friend access, we discovered that whenever I tabbed out of the game that he could see my whole desktop. I gave him access, and he was able to access everything on my computer while there was nothing I could do on my end but fight for mouse control (lol). Idk if there's anything you guys could do on your end, but a hotkey to immediately revoke control privilege or something of that extent seems necessary.

byCDMC commented 2 years ago

Simple bat file with a taskkill command and a keyboard shortcut to that bat file to launch it in an emergency is simple enough solution, or just unplug your internet. Mind you, official Steam remote play works the same way. i can browse my pc with it if you know how to force minimize the game on host (actually sometimes handy).

Other than that its not really a security issue, you are willingly sharing your PC controls with another person, if you don't trust the person on another end, don't give him/her keyboard and mouse controls.

rumchild commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply, I was unaware you could do the same thing with base remote play.