m4dEngi / RemotePlayWhatever

Tiny application that lets you force remote play together any game you have in your steam library including non-steam ones.
MIT License
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Support Inviting up to 3 people from CLI #71

Closed joamjoamjoam closed 1 year ago

joamjoamjoam commented 1 year ago

Im working on the Decky plugin and founds that while calling the CLI once per invite works, it doesn't keep the Steam UI Updated with people invited. Is it possible to update the -i or add a new param to allow a comma separated list of IDs to send invites to (up to 3)?

joamjoamjoam commented 1 year ago

After a little bit more testing if you send a second invite via cli it will cause the first link to expire. Meaning you can only have one active link at a time with the current implementation

m4dEngi commented 1 year ago

Guess that's because of remote client id being reset on each run. I'll add a new param for initial client id in next release.

joamjoamjoam commented 1 year ago

Sweet Thanks!

m4dEngi commented 1 year ago

Uploaded a new version with added batch invites, guestid via arg and invitation cancellations ( one at time, and steam own UI will remain, even when invitation is successfully cancelled, because whatever we do is undefined behavior for steamui).

joamjoamjoam commented 1 year ago

Tested with my decky plugin and i can invite 3 people to a session. Good work and Thanks!