m4ll0k / BBTz

BBT - Bug Bounty Tools (examples💡)
1.7k stars 470 forks source link

gctexposer.py: import sys for line 63 #15

Closed cclauss closed 2 years ago

cclauss commented 3 years ago

$ flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics

./BBTz/whoxy.py:15:4: F632 use ==/!= to compare constant literals (str, bytes, int, float, tuple)
if API_KEY is "":
./BBTz/gctexposer.py:62:9: F821 undefined name 'sys'
1     F632 use ==/!= to compare constant literals (str, bytes, int, float, tuple)
1     F821 undefined name 'sys'