m4nh / skimap_ros

Ros implementation of Skimap
GNU General Public License v3.0
267 stars 101 forks source link

roslaunch skimap_ros slamdunk_tracker.launch #17

Closed liyi2017 closed 6 years ago

liyi2017 commented 6 years ago

Hi! I'm trying to slamdunk_tracker.launch,I run this : 1) roslaunch skimap_ros slamdunk_tracker.launch 2) rosbag play tiago_lar.bag --clock However, I got the error :1、"Fixed Frame [slam_map] does not exist" on the RVIZ 2、“ERROR: cannot launch node of type [skimap_ros/slamdunk_tracker]: can't locate node [slamdunk_tracker] in package [skimap_ros]”after the slamdunk_tracker.launch How can I solve this problem?thx i catkin_make the ws is not error

m4nh commented 6 years ago

@liyi2017 did you launch "source devel/setup.bash" in the ws folder?