m4v / RCSBuildAid

Kerbal Space Program plugin for RCS thruster placement
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Add CoL resize functionality. #7

Closed Yogghy closed 10 years ago

Yogghy commented 10 years ago

needed this for fine tuning a small plane

m4v commented 10 years ago

Your commit is incorrect, if you test this you will see that the CoL stops indicating where the lift vector is pointing. The CoL isn't like the CoM marker because besides of position, it also has direction, I can't say where exactly is the error but I believe is because you didn't update CoLmarker.dirMarkerObject with the proper object.

In any case replacing the CoLMarker with our own subclass is unnecessary if what you only want is the scaling, you only need to add the MarkerScaler component and that's it, so adding the line vesselOverlays.CoLMarker.gameObject.AddComponet (); somewhere in setupMarker will do the trick. You can also do the same for the CoT and we get scaling for all the markers.

There's also no need of adding extra GUI controls since RCSBuildAid has no real interaction with these markers and can be toggled from the editor interface.

If you want to try again and do a new branch with the code I proposed and test that it works I'll accept the pull request, or I can push the commit myself if you like.

Yogghy commented 10 years ago

aha, entirely missed direction thing :) i've checked that the marker resizes and considered it works, my bad.

m4v commented 10 years ago

so, just for you to know, I committed this feature in master.