m4xshen / hardtime.nvim

Establish good command workflow and quit bad habit
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Adding more disabled filetypes by default OR... #17

Closed rohit-kumar-j closed 1 year ago

rohit-kumar-j commented 1 year ago

How about adding more by default, or must the user specify these explicitly?

disabled_filetypes = { "qf", "netrw", "NvimTree", "lazy", "mason", 
"dapui_stacks", "dapui_console", "dapui-repl", "dapui_watches", "dapui_breakpoints" -- Example: DAP


Is there a way for another plugin to specify this so that hardtime.nvim can integrate these directly from another plugin without the user explicitly specifying these? (Example:)

-- Another plugin
integrations  = {
    hardtime_nvim ={
        enabled = true,
        disabled_filetypes = {
            "my_plugin_ft_2", -- etc...

Prehaps this is not necessarily a hardtime.nvim specific question, but having an example to integrate this with other plugins by default would be a nice touch. :D

m4xshen commented 1 year ago

I think it is good to add more disabled filetypes. Did you think of any other filetypes that should be added?

rohit-kumar-j commented 1 year ago

Currently, I am maintianing a CMake tools plugin(experimental terminal buffers PR) https://github.com/Civitasv/cmake-tools.nvim, the file type for this was 'cmake_tools_terminal', so I wanted to add this as well., (scrolling buffer with hjkl)

However, it seemed very specific. In order to not clutter hardtime, I was wondering if there was a feature like catpuccin theme's (if I'm not mistaken) integrations table that can be passed in to the setup function and hardtime.nvim has some file called integrations that does some type of table concatenation for adding disabled filetypes.

m4xshen commented 1 year ago

I still decide to keep the default value simple so that people can customize it more easily!