m5n / netflix-queue-sorter

Greasemonkey script for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari: shuffle, reverse, and sort your DVD Queue or Instant Queue by star rating, average rating, title, length, year, genre, format, availability, playability, language, etc.
MIT License
28 stars 3 forks source link

Broken - Does not appear to work with streaming queue on Mac #4

Closed chris78664 closed 9 years ago

chris78664 commented 10 years ago

Downloaded and added to Firefox, Chrome and Safari after userscripts.org went off line and they appear to work for the DVD queue but not the Instant Queue (now called My List) it is just stuck "Retrieving Data" forever.

m5n commented 10 years ago

Hi Chris,

Assuming this is different from issue #2, can you let me know which version you're running (click on the wrench icon and the version will appear after the script title). The latest version is 2.102, which is what you should see.

Please upgrade if you need to, or otherwise can you turn on debug mode, open the developer console in the browser, run a sort and see if you get an error?

Let me know if you need help with any of the steps I wrote above.

chris78664 commented 10 years ago

Hi Maarteen,

Issue #2 appeared to have been addressed by 2.102 for the DVD queue which I have downloaded and installed works great for DVD, not so much for Instant Queue or My List or whatever Netflix is calling it now.

When I enabled debug and ran a few sorts this is what I got.

Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. pkg-nflxrsrc-ff7fc016174fe7d36c0c0c020f3a0fc003303d801bc942ca2220149100c2086fbc13c00301a40000000027252940-1411603078-15-15.js:81 TypeError: popup is null toolbar_button.js:234 "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["starRating","title"],"sortFns":["defaultSortFn","defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[-1,1]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["avgRating","starRating","title"],"sortFns":["defaultSortFn","defaultSortFn","defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[-1,-1,1]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["starRating","avgRating","title"],"sortFns":["defaultSortFn","defaultSortFn","defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[-1,-1,1]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["title"],"sortFns":["defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[1]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["genre","title"],"sortFns":["defaultSortFn","defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[1,1]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["genre","title"],"sortFns":["customOrderSortFn","defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[-1,1],"cacheKey":"sort-order-custom-genre-instant","defaultOrder":["Television","TV Shows"]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["availability","order"],"sortFns":["customOrderSortFn","defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[-1,1],"cacheKey":"sort-order-availability-instant","defaultOrder":["{date}","VERY LONG WAIT","LONG WAIT","SHORT WAIT","N/A"]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["length","title"],"sortFns":["defaultSortFn","defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[1,1]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/35183.meta.js. This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS. 35183.meta.js uncaught exception: Parse error: {"status":0,"statusText":"","readyState":4,"responseText":"","finalUrl":"http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/35183.meta.js"} "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["year","title"],"sortFns":["defaultSortFn","defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[-1,1]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["mediaFormat","order"],"sortFns":["customOrderSortFn","defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[-1,1],"cacheKey":"sort-order-mediaformat-instant","defaultOrder":["HD","STREAMING"]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 "prepSort: [{"command":"sort","fields":["language","title"],"sortFns":["defaultSortFn","defaultSortFn"],"dirs":[1,1]}]" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 " Fetch queue data retrievers need." netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 "Retrieved 424 elts" netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:240 elt2 is undefined netflix-queue-sorter.user.js:1358 TypeError: popup is null toolbar_button.js:234 OpenGL compositor Initialized Succesfully. Version: 2.1 NVIDIA-8.26.28 310.40.55b01 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine FBO Texture Target: TEXTURE_2D

On Sep 25, 2014, at 1:41 PM, Maarten van Egmond notifications@github.com wrote:


Hi Chris,

Assuming this is different from issue #2, can you let me know which version you're running (click on the wrench icon and the version will appear after the script title). The latest version is 2.102, which is what you should see.

Please upgrade if you need to, or otherwise can you turn on debug mode, open the developer console in the browser, run a sort and see if you get an error?

Let me know if you need help with any of the steps I wrote above.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

m5n commented 10 years ago

OK, looks like it has problems extracting the genre. Assuming your queue has a genre column, could you "inspect element" one of the values in that column, then "walk up the DOM tree" until you get to the <tr> parent and past the HTML source code for that <tr> element?

chris78664 commented 9 years ago

I am not sure what I am looking for here.

Thanks, Chris

On Sep 25, 2014, at 8:51 PM, Maarten van Egmond notifications@github.com wrote:

OK, looks like it has problems extracting the genre. Assuming your queue has a genre column, could you "inspect element" one of the values in that column, then "walk up the DOM tree" until you get to the

parent and past the HTML source code for that element? — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

m5n commented 9 years ago

If you don't mind me seeing what movies you have in your queue, could you navigate to your instant queue, save that page to a local file and send me that file at [email removed] ? (Once I've received it, I'll remove my email address above.)

That way I can see what the HTML looks like and fix the script.

m5n commented 9 years ago

Interesting, there's one movie in your queue that does not have a genre. I fixed the script, let me know if v2.103 does not work.

linklisa commented 9 years ago

Running v2.1o3 in Firefox, have also tried in Chrome.

Sorting by Star Rating works fine, if I'm sorting the whole queue. But not if I choose "Only apply sort to rows..." In either case, I'm used to getting the message to go back a screen, and reloading once or twice before the titles appear sorted. Now, a reload only puts one more title in sort order.

m5n commented 9 years ago

Thx, @linklisa, for opening a new issue #5 for this.