m5n / netflix-queue-sorter

Greasemonkey script for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari: shuffle, reverse, and sort your DVD Queue or Instant Queue by star rating, average rating, title, length, year, genre, format, availability, playability, language, etc.
MIT License
28 stars 3 forks source link

Broken: Only apply sort to rows #5

Open linklisa opened 9 years ago

linklisa commented 9 years ago

Running v2.103 in Firefox, have also tried in Chrome.

Sorting by Star Rating works fine, if I'm sorting the whole queue. But not if I choose "Only apply sort to rows..." In either case, I'm used to getting the message to go back a screen, and reloading once or twice before the titles appear sorted. Now, a reload only puts one more title in sort order.

m5n commented 9 years ago

What OS are you on?

linklisa commented 9 years ago

Mac 10.6.8

linklisa commented 9 years ago

What does it mean for this issue to be "closed"?

m5n commented 9 years ago

Slightly confusing. The closed state refers to the issue I referenced (where you initially commented on). This issue is still open (see "open" icon atop this page). I hope to find some time soon to look at this.

tompilla commented 9 years ago

I am having a similar issue. Windows 7. Firefox 36.0.1 However, sorting by Star Rating with no specific rows chosen also only sorts the first couple of rows before Netflix reroutes to the "Netflix Site Error" page (before it would get through sorting every row before taking me to the site error page).

Thanks for the amazing script!

linklisa commented 9 years ago

This doesn't behave the same with all my queues. It reminds me of the problem when the queue wouldn't start if there was one title without a genre. But none of the titles jump out as different in that way.

ccharlton commented 9 years ago

I'm getting the "Netflix Site Error" with or without limiting the rows, when sorting by length.

blueandthemoon commented 9 years ago

I'm also having this issue running v2.103 in Safari. The script works great when sorting the disc queue at dvd.netflix.com, but when trying to sort my instant queue, the script will only affect the top 1 or 2 items being sorted. That means that if you are trying to sort titles 1-50, I will need to apply the script approximately 25 times. Any help with this issue would be great appreciated.

linklisa commented 9 years ago

At this point, I'm seeing the same behavior as Tompilla describes above, on all of my queues.

blueandthemoon commented 9 years ago

This is a bump. And also to note that now my queue sorter does not work for my DVD list either.

m5n commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the lack of response... I've reproduced the issue. What the script does is get any data it needs (e.g. for length search) and fills in the new ordering numbers on the List page and clicks the Update List button. The actual request going to Netflix is unaltered, doing whatever the standard Netflix Update List button does. As with the "something went wrong ordering the queue"-type message we saw in the past, now we're seeing a dedicated Netflix Error page. I believe the same "sometimes the sort takes, sometimes it doesn't" behavior applies here.

I looked at the request with and without the GM script enabled, and they look the same to me. I disabled the script's "auto update queue" option, meaning you need to manually click the Update List button after the numbers are filled out, but that doesn't resolve things either. When I submit just a few ordering changes (by limiting the sort to a few rows) I have better luck than sorting the entire queue (there are 373 items in my queue), but it still errors out once in a while. All of this is with the Instant-only plan, I cannot test DVD-only or combined plans.

I'm not sure what to do about this yet. I'll see if I can dig deeper later this week / perhaps detect the error page and redirect back to the list automatically.

m5n commented 9 years ago

As mentioned in issue #7, I could try updating the queue in batches, submitting only a limited amount of row changes at a time. I'll look into that.

m5n commented 9 years ago

I tested this a bit further and unfortunately I am able to get the Netflix error page even when I disable Greasemonkey, restart the browser and try to swap two rows manually (by swapping their numbers in the input fields on the List page and clicking the "Update List" button). Sometimes I have to try changing rows a few times but I do get the error.

Unfortunately this looks like a genuine issue on the Netflix side, and adding a batched sort update would not help solve this issue.

However, it would be great if someone could confirm that this error is not related to Greasemonkey or this script by reproducing what I tried above.

blueandthemoon commented 9 years ago

Hi, Maarten. I'm getting the exact same error you describe above, and I would agree that this appears to be a problem on Netflix's end. It seems like Netflix has slowly but surely been moving away from the "My List" feature to a more "spontaneous" interface, a la HBO Go. This really is a shame, because I use the list feature to maximize my Netflix experience, both for discs and for Watch Instantly, especially for expiring titles. Regardless, thanks for your hard work with the extension--I've been using it for years now and have greatly appreciated it. Here's hoping Netflix doesn't completely nerf the feature so that users like us can still manipulate it to our needs!

m5n commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback and the kinds words! Yes, I hope they keep the ability to manually edit the list, but because it's so easy to generate the error, I must conclude it's not high priority for Netflix to fix, which may indeed indicate the list as we know it today may undergo some changes soon.

@linklisa, you originally mentioned the "only apply sort to rows" function was broken. I'm assuming you saw the same error we now see everywhere, so I'm tempted to close this issue as "won't fix". Please let me know if you saw another error that needs to be fixed.