m5stack / M5-ProductExampleCodes

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Bala2 Example Code Not Working - SOLVED #27

Closed RaSTuS26 closed 3 years ago

RaSTuS26 commented 3 years ago

I've tried to load the Bala2 example code several times and all I get is a blank screen and no motor actions at all.

Downloaded from here: https://github.com/m5stack/M5-ProductExampleCodes/tree/master/Application/Bala2

Using Board: M5Stack-Core-ESP32

mrb0y commented 3 years ago

I can compile and flash the firmware from Arduino & Platform.IO but I also have a problem with the program stopping at the "calibration finished!!!" indication.

RaSTuS26 commented 3 years ago

You're doing much better than myself. I'm using Ardiuno IDE (1.8.13), and I get nothing, just a blank screen.

mrb0y commented 3 years ago

I can reflash using the M5Flash program for the Bala2 and it all works but I would like to be able to build from source.

RaSTuS26 commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I saved the original FW with esptool.py and can reload that no problems. But I'd like to compile from source also.

mlde50 commented 3 years ago

I have the exact same problem with Arduino or platformIO. I was forced to use easyLoader app to come back default Bala2 example.

mrb0y commented 3 years ago

RaSTuS26 the problem is you are not using the M5Stack-Grey. I used the following build environment in PlatformIO and everything builds and works correctly. It is possible when I had the problem that I had previously chosen the wrong "board" for the build target. I'm considering this a closed issue as far as I am concerned.

platformio.ini [env:m5stack-grey] platform = espressif32 board = m5stack-grey framework = arduino lib_deps = m5stack/M5Stack@^0.3.1

RaSTuS26 commented 3 years ago

RaSTuS26 the problem is you are not using the M5Stack-Grey. I used the following build environment in PlatformIO and everything builds and works correctly. It is possible when I had the problem that I had previously chosen the wrong "board" for the build target. I'm considering this a closed issue as far as I am concerned.

platformio.ini [env:m5stack-grey] platform = espressif32 board = m5stack-grey framework = arduino lib_deps = m5stack/M5Stack@^0.3.1

There's no such board in Arduino IDE, only "M5Stack-Core-ESP32" which is described in M5 docs the one to use for the "Grey" .

I stopped using PlatformIO ages ago, I was having more problems using it than it was worth on Linux.

RaSTuS26 commented 3 years ago

Eureka, got it.

M5Stack Grey Arduino Settings;
 - Board:              "M5Stack-Core-ESP32"
 - Flash Frequency:    "80MHz"
 - Flash Mode:         "QIO"
 - Partition Scheme:   "No OTA(Large APP)"

Most of these are default settings, the "Partition Scheme" is the most important though.