m5stack / M5Cloud

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source code for python libraries #5

Open robertmuth opened 6 years ago

robertmuth commented 6 years ago

I would like to use the python bindings (e.g. from m5stack import *) used in the examples with the standard micropython Where can I find the source code for these?

0x1abin commented 6 years ago

Hi, m5stack library LCD driver is most write with C, so it can't alone used in the standard micropython, the project souce will upload github with next week. The firmware is base on https://github.com/loboris/MicroPython_ESP32_psRAM_LoBo

robertmuth commented 6 years ago

Thanks, that is great news!

pmoses commented 6 years ago

Hello, could you please upload the source code of python libraries? Others could then add examples, libraries. And prototyping is faster too.

robertmuth commented 6 years ago

Something that would also be helpful is a python file with symbolic names for the pins of the "bottom shield:"


This is a good start: https://github.com/tuupola/micropython-m5stack/blob/master/firmware/lib/m5stack.py

papinianus commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to figure out but I believe examples are out of date(or totally wrong). at least

  1. sleep_ms() doesn't work
  2. I doubt that speaker.volume() is no longer valid.
  3. speaker.tone(freq=n, timeout=n) doesn't work //so can't stop tone! speaker.mute() doesn't work. I mean "doesn't work" that it stops rest of code at all.
  4. we can't know what's going on in boot sequence. (what's the hell is goin' on this 2 sentences. import wifisetup import m5cloud ) we can't handle what we bought at least through m5cloud.
iccentt commented 5 years ago

How to use other modules which are used C binding? I know that https://github.com/loboris/MicroPython_ESP32_psRAM_LoBo https://github.com/tuupola/micropython-m5stack/blob/master/firmware/lib/m5stack.py But M5Stack are lacked a lot of other C binding modules.

ikelos commented 5 years ago

@0x1abin This issue has been open over a year, but there doesn't appear to have been much progress. The m5stack modules and similar are frozen, so even trying to extract them from the firmware is difficult and it's impossible to rebuild the stack code from source. The Micropython_m5stack repository seems out-of-sync with the M5cloud repository (which seems more full-featured), but it'd difficult to know all the available features without the being able to read the source code. It also prevents people in the community improving the python support for the M5stack itself, so getting a clear single location with all the original source seems like it would be beneficial for everyone.

Could you please give us an idea of when the code might be released?