m5stack / M5Cloud

Micropython Web IDE beta version
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I do not want my code to be uploaded to the cloud! #7

Open stroobandt opened 6 years ago

stroobandt commented 6 years ago

I do not want my code to be uploaded to the cloud!!! I want to keep certain code private.

I am extremely uncomfortable with sending my code or WiFi password to some cloud server. Certain details of my code projects are strictly private.

Is there a way to still use M5Stack's MicroPython firmware/libraries whilst circumventing the cloud? I prefer to program over a USB cable.

Please, provide firmware to allow the transfer of MicroPython programs over an USB cable without the need to connect to any WLAN.

0x1abin commented 6 years ago

Hi, if you just want programs over an USB cable, you can remove import wifisetup and import m5cloud at boot.py file.

stroobandt commented 6 years ago

Thanks. However, I do not consider this to be a smart strategy for a company that wants to position itself as a prototyping platform for other companies.

You should at least put clear warnings up there, informing your users that their code will be uploaded to a cloud server.

SuperMarioSF commented 6 years ago

Hmmm... If you doesn't use Web IDE, the file will not be uploaded to anywhere. File synchronize is only start on your operation in Web IDE.

stroobandt commented 6 years ago

That might be, but users should be informed and give their consent!

Anyhow, to overcome this issue, I flashed my M5Stacks with LoBo MicroPython and installed Mika Tuupola's M5Stack MicroPython Kitchen Sink.

wegunterjr commented 5 years ago

yes - this is old, but I agree - I plan to use this in offline mode, and some places may not have network access. That is why M5G0 was good. Can we have an offline use as well?