m5stack / M5Cloud

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Mounting SD card disables display #8

Open jeffmer opened 6 years ago

jeffmer commented 6 years ago

I found that when I mount the SD card it works fine but lcd functions are no longer displayed. This happens silently with no errors. I suspect SPI conflict?

0x1abin commented 6 years ago

It is general esp-idf issue, not related to MicroPython and display driver used.

abbey1501120 commented 6 years ago

It seems at least for you guys you are able to work with SD card, in my case I am facing the issue of 'Card Mount Failed' as below:

E (61) sdmmc_req: handle_idle_state_events unhandled: 00000004 00000000 E (63) sdmmc_cmd: sdmmc_card_init: send_op_cond (1) returned 0x107 Card Mount Failed

I am using M5stack (white color module) to test the SDMMC_Test example in Arduino. As I debug further I see that the code mentions the use of Pins 2, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15 for SD card, whereas as I see the schematics of M5stack , the SD card connector is placed on GPIO 4, 23, 18, 19 . I think this is the mismatch. Did you guys changed the pins association in the code ? I have this confusion as where and in which file do I need to change the pin allocation as I am not much into coding domain.

Thanks for reading and further help.

jeffmer commented 6 years ago

I just got in to work yesterday in Micropython using loboris’s latest release. His restructuring of the SPI interface does not yet seem to be in the official m5stack firmware - I am sure the next release will have it.

I used this configuration command in micropython which has the PIN numbers.

lcd.init(lcd.M5STACK, mosi=23, miso=19, clk=18, cs=14, dc=27, rst_pin=33,backl_pin=32, backl_on=True)

Hope that helps.

abbey1501120 commented 6 years ago

jeffmer, I am working in Arduino environment. Can you suggest some help in this case? My concern is not LCD display, as right now I am not much worried about it. I am not able to access SD card at all. I am referring to the SDMMC_Test example in Arduino

thewizard1983 commented 6 years ago

I am using Arduino IDE but when I tried to open file on SDCard, display started to show wrong color and contrast. I try to reflash otehr firmware, erase flash, use micropython but the display never go back to initial state. How con I solve this problem? img_20180312_235416