m5stack / M5Core2

M5Core2 Arduino Library
MIT License
263 stars 113 forks source link

Close this project and extend the original API instead. #33

Closed KodeMunkie closed 2 months ago

KodeMunkie commented 3 years ago

Please improve the original M5Stack API or create a common API to support both the Core 1 and Core 2 instead.


  1. You have two issue trackers, how will you easily share, address and fix common reported bugs/issues in both projects?
  2. You have two copies of identical source with redundant broken code in this one such as M5.Power. Getting M5Stack API fixed to support the Core 2 will concentrate your mind and make you aware of the issues like these.
  3. It's good practice - any devs like me that need to support builds for both 2 devices now have to put #defines all over our code to swap libraries depending on which device is targeted. This is causing extra work for numerous developers downstream - its trade off between 1 developer (you) or many (us) - that's not developer friendly.
  4. It's causing confusion for newbies - searching for M5Core brings back 2 APIs.
  5. Tests. You haven't got any which means you should write them. You can share them between both devices and save time rather than cut and paste and running two pipelines and fixing them in 2 different projects.
  6. M5Stack the company seems to have a lot of new hardware to support, and therefore a lot of projects. Looking at the delays to releases, bugs not being addressed (e.g. the Atom Matrix) in a timely manner I can only assume you are hopping between projects. If you work on a common project you'll have greater visibility of issue impacts and your customers/devs will see regular updates to builds and issues, instead of giving the appearance of a dead or badly supported project.
  7. I'll provide code/help where I can where I've had to work around a few incompatibilities in my projects to save you time - it's not much and they're workarounds/best effort but it's something.

Apologies for being direct but a large chunk of my current development time is identifying and fixing compatibility issues to do with the above and it's incredibly annoying.

lienbacher commented 3 years ago

I am in a similar boat in here. Nice hardware, but please also up your software game m5stack!

bluepuma77 commented 3 years ago


It's silly things. You switch from Core to Core2 and suddenly lcd.setBrightness() doesn't work. Suddenly M5Img() can only support PNG and not JPG anymore.

sieren commented 3 years ago


This project uses some weird old version of TFT_eSPI which is pretty unusable (ie the upstream TFT_eSPI version supports way better JPEG decoding through TFT_eFEX). +1000 to everything @KodeMunkie said.

KodeMunkie commented 3 years ago

How about it then @ropg ? :)

tobozo commented 3 years ago

hello guys, if all you need is a single core for many devices, check out the ESP32-Chimera-Core, contributions and PR are welcome :-)

KodeMunkie commented 3 years ago

hello guys, if all you need is a single core for many devices, check out the ESP32-Chimera-Core, contributions and PR are welcome :-)

@tobozo Please don't hijack this thread. The third party API you link to doesn't appear to support the Core 2 and there doesn't seem to be any plans to.

tobozo commented 3 years ago

@KodeMunkie yes it does support M5Core2, thanks for your contribution I'll update the ReadMe now

PeterRill commented 3 years ago

@tobozo Thanks, I will give it a try.

I had massive problems with the M5Core2 library. A program with Bluetooth BLE client causes reboots then I just added M5.begin()... With a Fire and M5Stack library it works...

UT2UH commented 3 years ago

Another attempt to combine M5Stack/M5Core/M5StickC+ cores - M5StX. Includes @ropg M5Touch, M5Sound (unmerged) and updated TFT_eSPI with M5_Font_Creator support and unified LcdBrightness and PowerOFF control. Made mostly for my own M5ez/ezTime based project so no complete compatibility intended but can be added.

Tinyu-Zhao commented 2 months ago

Currently we have M5Unified, which is compatible with many hosts. Thank you for your feedback.