m5stack / M5Core2

M5Core2 Arduino Library
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M5Core2 example script for USB_MAX3421E not working on M5 AWS Core2 #70

Open Disruptive-Prototyping opened 2 years ago

Disruptive-Prototyping commented 2 years ago

Looks like this example script here has just been copied from M5Stack repo leaving it in unsupported commands e.g. "M5.Power.begin" even after removing this command, the USB host board does not detect or activate data transmission to USB device. Could be possible bus hardware issues due to new GPIO pins for MISO and IO7/PA_SCL on Core 2?

felmue commented 2 years ago

Hello @Disruptive-Prototyping

yes, tree GPIOs used for SPI have changed between M5Stack and M5Core2.

M5Stack: GPIO5 : SS, GPIO17 : INT, GPIO18 : SCK, GPIO19 : MISO, GPIO23 : MOSI M5Core2: GPIO33 : SS, GPIO14 : INT, GPIO18 : SCK, GPIO38 : MISO, GPIO23 : MOSI

Not sure though how to change them in the example code. Maybe it can be changed somewhere in the library?

I've documented all GPIO changes here.

Thanks Felix

Disruptive-Prototyping commented 2 years ago

Hi Felix,

You're absolutely right, I did manage to make this work with the help or your diagram early this week. To make it work on Core2 you need to change the relvant pin mapping in the USB Host Shield Library 2.0 under the ESP32 defined pins.

The documentation is a little lacking online for this. Patching it together, you need to change the mapping of the SPI pins in the following files of USB Host Shield Library 2.0: avrpin.h, Usbcore.h & usbhost.h


elif defined(ESP32)

typedef MAX3421e<P5, P17> MAX3421E; // ESP32 boards.


elif defined(ESP32)

typedef MAX3421e<P33, P38> MAX3421E; // ESP32 boards.

avrpin.h // Pinout for ESP32 dev module

MAKE_PIN(P0, 0); MAKE_PIN(P1, 1); // TX0 MAKE_PIN(P10, 10); // TX1 MAKE_PIN(P3, 3); // RX0 MAKE_PIN(P21, 21); // SDA MAKE_PIN(P22, 22); // SCL MAKE_PIN(P19, 19); // MISO MAKE_PIN(P23, 23); // MOSI MAKE_PIN(P18, 18); // SCK MAKE_PIN(P5, 5); // SS MAKE_PIN(P17, 17); // INT


// Pinout for ESP32 dev module

MAKE_PIN(P0, 0); MAKE_PIN(P1, 1); // TX0 MAKE_PIN(P10, 10); // TX1 MAKE_PIN(P3, 3); // RX0 MAKE_PIN(P21, 21); // SDA MAKE_PIN(P22, 22); // SCL MAKE_PIN(P38, 38); // MISO MAKE_PIN(P23, 23); // MOSI MAKE_PIN(P18, 18); // SCK MAKE_PIN(P33, 33); // SS MAKE_PIN(P14, 14); // INT


elif defined(ESP32)

typedef SPi< P18, P23, P19, P5 > spi;


elif defined(ESP32)

typedef SPi< P18, P23, P38, P33 > spi;

Thanks for your time, have a great day!