m5stack / M5Core2

M5Core2 Arduino Library
MIT License
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M5.begin() causes crash with Firebase #89

Closed boguewaller closed 2 years ago

boguewaller commented 2 years ago

Arduino IDE for M5Stack Core2 using Firebase RTDB. Example sketch to demo Firebase connection, (https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-firebase-realtime-database/) compiles and runs fine. When I include M5Core2.h and use m5.begin() in setup in order to use the Core2 hardware (real time clock, for example), I drop into a boot loop: Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU1).

If I omit the M5.begin(), everything about Firebase runs fine, but I am not able to access the M5's RTC or display screen. Crash appears to occur with Firebase.signUp().

Any suggestions on where to start?

boguewaller commented 2 years ago

Found it. M5.begin() includes a Serial.begin(). The example code also includes a Serial.begin(). WDT timeout is apparently triggered by two calls. Not sure of the internal details, but it seems plausible and the problem has cleared. Thanks anyway.