Open MDAR opened 1 year ago
Using the I2C scanner in the default firmware of an AtomS3, I have discovered that the 8Servo unit has a base address of 0x25
It seems that the I2C address changes, depending on which device it's connected it
AtomS3 seems to be 0x54 M5stickC-Plus 0x25
Other than that, I can't get any result from it.
I've got to a point where the Servo is sent 180° and 0°
But nothing happens with the Servos.
The Servos twitch when they are powered up, so I have to assume they are working.
Is there anything I can do to test the outputs of the Servo connections to confirm the code is working?
can you offer any assistance?
I have tried all combinations in this script, but the servo's do nothing.
Could it be that the drive.enableServoPower(1);
line is not working?
Script I have tried
* Copyright (c) 2022 by M5Stack
* Equipped with M5StickC sample source code
* 配套 M5StickC 示例源代码
* Visit for more information:
* 获取更多资料请访问:
* Product: 8Servos HAT v1.1.
* Date: 2022/07/12
Control the running and release of the servo.
#include <M5StickC.h>
#include <M5GFX.h>
#include "Hat_8Servos.h"
M5GFX display;
M5Canvas canvas(&display);
Hat_8Servos drive;
bool Arelease = false;
bool Brelease = false;
void btn_task(void *arg) {
while (1) {
if (M5.BtnA.wasPressed()) {
Arelease = !Arelease;
Serial.println("Button A Released");
if (M5.BtnB.wasPressed()) {
Brelease = !Brelease;
Serial.println("Button B Released");
void setup() {
// Wire.begin(); // Init wire and join the I2C network.
if (display.isEPD()) {
canvas.createSprite(display.width(), display.height());
canvas.setTextSize((float)canvas.width() / 160);
while (!drive.begin(&Wire, 0, 26, 0x25)) { // Top port
// while (!drive.begin(&Wire, 33, 32, 0x25)) { // Bottom Grove port
canvas.drawString("Connect Error", 30, 40);
canvas.pushSprite(0, 0);
canvas.drawString("8SERVO HAT", 80, 10);
canvas.drawString("Click Btn A", 80, 20);
canvas.drawString("for release Servo", 80, 30);
canvas.pushSprite(0, 0);
xTaskCreate(btn_task, /* Task function. */
"btn_task", /* String with name of task. */
8096, /* Stack size in bytes. */
NULL, /* Parameter passed as input of the task */
1, /* Priority of the task. */
NULL); /* Task handle. */
void loop() {
if (Arelease) {
canvas.fillRect(0, 40, 160, 40, BLACK);
canvas.drawString("SERVO RELEASE", 80, 50);
Serial.println("Servo released");
canvas.pushSprite(0, 0);
} else {
canvas.fillRect(0, 40, 160, 40, BLACK);
canvas.drawString("SERVO RUNNING", 80, 50);
Serial.println("Servo running");
canvas.pushSprite(0, 0);
// drive.setAllServoPulse(2500); // 180deg
// drive.setServoPulse(0, 2500); // 180deg
// drive.setServoAngle(0, 0);
// drive.setAllServoPulse(500); // 0deg
// drive.setServoAngle(0, 180);
// drive.setServoPulse(0, 500); // 0deg
All "Tower Pro - Micro Servo gg SG90" or "Emax ES08MAII Analog Servo" servo's are brand new and have never been connected to anything else.
I get a small jitter from there when first powered up.
8Servo board has 9V external power
I think I have found one of the issues.
There are TWO 8Servo versions.
V1.1 which is an open PCB that connected to the HAT pins, with a battery on-board @ address 0x36
and a V1.0 outboard white version, with external power connections, which I have been trying to use with V1.1 examples.
I have a V1.1, I'll try that now.
HOWEVER - I see a THIRD version on the website
So now I know which board / Unit I am using, I STILL can't get any response from the servo's, other than their jitter when they power up.
Any advice?
I have achieved some movement with the Outboard 8Servo unit on a StickC-Plus, using UIFlow, which proves it can and does work.
However, I need to figure out how to get it working with the Arduino code I have spent 3 weeks working on already
It took my 3 day to finally find this example for the HAT Servo
Which at least gives one working Servo to demonstrate with
I'm trying to add the 8Servo unit to my M5StickC-Plus
The first thing I always do is run your example to confirm everything is at least working as you intend it to.
On this occasion, all I can get out of the M5StickC-Plus is "Connect Error"
I have tried using the bottom Grove port with pins 32 & 33, but nothing changes.
What can you suggest I do next?