m5stack / M5Stack-Camera

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The "qr_task" can't be created successful when the wifi is openning(AP) #18

Open Herwey opened 5 years ago

Herwey commented 5 years ago

Hi All: I open the wifi(AP) as below: wifi_init_softap(); vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); http_server_init(); Then I created the qr_reco task as below: xTaskCreate( qr_recognize, "qr_recognize", 102460, &camera_config, 8, &xTask4); But the task responsed "-1", maybe not enough memory. The depth is "102460", but when I created a task which depth is "1024*20", it could work well. Does the wifi cost lots of memory? So what can I do next ? Thanks ! :D

zhouyangyale commented 5 years ago

Qr recognition requires memory

Herwey commented 5 years ago

佐助: Yes, qr requires the memory. But when I open the wifi(AP), the qr task can't be open. IF I close the wifi, it works fine. It's wired ! :D