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PM25 KIT Example Error #305

Closed Zazucki closed 1 year ago

Zazucki commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

When I am compiling PM25.ino I get the following error, where can I find this UNIT_ENV.h file? I think I have all of the libraries that I need installed.

/Users/jk/Documents/M5Stack/examples/KIT/PM25/PM25.ino:4:10: fatal error: UNIT_ENV.h: No such file or directory
 #include "UNIT_ENV.h"
compilation terminated.
Multiple libraries were found for "SD.h"
  Used: /Users/jk/Library/Arduino15/packages/m5stack/hardware/esp32/2.0.6/libraries/SD
  Not used: /Users/jk/Library/Arduino15/libraries/SD
exit status 1

Compilation error: UNIT_ENV.h: No such file or directory

To reproduce

I cloned the repo and opened the PM25.ino file in Arduino IDE, then click compile.

Expected behavior

Finds UNIT_ENV.h file




Copyright © 2023 Arduino SA

Additional context

I recently purchased the PM2.5 Air Quality Kit(SHT30)from m5stack.com

It came flashed with what appeared to be working code, then the temp and humidity stopped working / showed only 0 as output. So I decided to try flashing the newest code because I saw there are recent changes. This is where I run into this error.

I saw in some other posts that changing this to M5_ENV.h works, and while that does get the code to compile, the code does not work. It shows PM2.5 in a blue bar at the top, but nothing else is displayed on the screen, just black.

Issue checklist

Zazucki commented 1 year ago

I realize now that I didn't have the stand plugged in which contains the SHT30 and that's why they were reading 0 before. So I did not actually need to put any new code on the device, it was working. My problem now is that I do not have the original code it came with, and the example given does not work.

Tinyu-Zhao commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your feedback, I have updated the example, please try to compile it with the latest example.