I recently updated from the original 0.0.5 firmware to the latest one on this github (0.0.9) while the improvement was great to have, I've notice the temperature reading has been really off. Around room temperature, the reading is correct. However moving to the hotter side of the scale, The scaling seems to be very off.
IE: 75c shown on a temperature gun, shows 98cc on the t-lite
35c lightbulb showing about 45c and etc
To reproduce
Measure something hot with a secondary measurement.
Describe the bug
I recently updated from the original 0.0.5 firmware to the latest one on this github (0.0.9) while the improvement was great to have, I've notice the temperature reading has been really off. Around room temperature, the reading is correct. However moving to the hotter side of the scale, The scaling seems to be very off. IE: 75c shown on a temperature gun, shows 98cc on the t-lite 35c lightbulb showing about 45c and etc
To reproduce
Measure something hot with a secondary measurement.
Expected behavior
To show the correct temperature
No response
Version: 0.0.9
Additional context
No response
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