m5stack / M5StickC

M5StickC Arduino Library
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Suggestion for M5StickC TOF example #155

Closed MDAR closed 2 years ago

MDAR commented 2 years ago

Thanks for all your hard work.

Can I suggest a small tweak to the example code for the ToF ?

I didn't know there are TWO TOF sensors available, so I took this example as being the ONLY working option.,


When I discovered that I had the Grove version and NOT the HAT version, I realised that I needed to change the I2C ports.

Can I suggest that line 14 be changed to

    Wire.begin(32, 33, 100000UL); // (32, 33, 100000UL) for I2C of Grove socket - (0, 26, 100000UL) for I2C of HAT connection

Just to save someone else having to make the same discovery.

I can report that the example works PERFECTLY now that I have made this change

Many Thanks Stuart

HAT Version image

Vs Grove version image

Tinyu-Zhao commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. I will add this prompt to the next version.

MDAR commented 2 years ago

Thanks for noticing my comment.

I should have mentioned that I ran into a little issue when I ran the code, after I changed the I2C ports.

It would seem that the Grove device wasn't ready when the m5StickC (original or Plus) polled it in the setup void.

This version of the code works, because I moved the Wire.begin a bit further into the script.

// please install vl53l0x lib first (https://github.com/pololu/vl53l0x-arduino)
// lib in Sketch->Includ Library->Library Manager, search for vl53l0x, Author:
// pololu

#include <VL53L0X.h>
#include <Wire.h>

  #include "M5StickC.h"
//      #include <M5StickCPlus.h>

String Message = "" ;
int distanceTreshold = 400; // preset for distance
int distanceOffset = 30;

int failure = 0;

volatile int state = false;
volatile int statePrev = false;

VL53L0X sensor;
TFT_eSprite img = TFT_eSprite(&M5.Lcd);

void setup() {

  delay(2000); // wait for sensor to activate

  // M5StickC Origianl or Plus hangs if the following line is enabled.
  // Moved to link 68

 //   Wire.begin(32, 33, 100000UL); // (32, 33, 100000UL) for Grove socket - (0, 26, 100000UL) for HAT I2C // moved further down


  M5.Lcd.setRotation(1); // Set this to rotate the screen layout - 2 = M5 button to top. 1 = M5 button to right // added by Stuart

    img.createSprite(160, 80);


    img.setCursor(10, 10);
    img.pushSprite(0, 0);

    Serial.print(" Waiting");
    Serial.print(" And what now?");

    img.setCursor(10, 10);
    img.pushSprite(0, 0);

    Wire.begin(32, 33, 100000UL); // (32, 33, 100000UL) for Grove socket - (0, 26, 100000UL) for HAT I2C 

    // Re-enable this to test the sensor connection, I think this is what is hanging the boot
//   if (!sensor.init()) {
 //     img.setCursor(10, 30);
//      img.print("Failed");
//      img.pushSprite(0, 0);
//      Serial.println("Failed to detect and initialize sensor!");
 //     while (1) {
//       }
 //   }

   while (!sensor.init()) {
     img.setCursor(10, 33);
           img.setCursor(20, 33);
      failure = failure +1;
      img.pushSprite(0, 0);
      Serial.println("Failed to detect and initialize sensor!");


    // Start continuous back-to-back mode (take readings as
    // fast as possible).  To use continuous timed mode
    // instead, provide a desired inter-measurement period in
    // ms (e.g. sensor.startContinuous(100)).

void loop() {
   uint16_t distance = sensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();

    Message = "Dst = " + String(distance)+"mm"; // String(distance) will convert the Int to a String for displace
//    Serial.print(Message);
    if (sensor.timeoutOccurred()) {
        Serial.print(" TIMEOUT");

        if ( distance <= distanceTreshold ) {

          state = true;
           Message = ":-) " + Message;
        else {
          state = false;
          Message = ":-( " + Message;

        if ( state != statePrev) {
          if (state) {
            statePrev = state; 


         if (!state) {
          Serial.print("No object Detected");
            statePrev = state;  

    img.setCursor(10, 10);
    img.pushSprite(0, 0);

Just out of curiosity, is it possible to have both the Hat and Grove ToF sensors operational?