m5stack / M5Unified

Unified library for M5Stack series
MIT License
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Example "Display_Unicode" doesn't compile with M5Unified #76

Closed maze61 closed 7 months ago

maze61 commented 9 months ago

Hello, first of all cudos to the developer(s) of M5Unified - excellent work!

After modifing <m5stack path>/src/utility/In_eSPI_Setup.h, At the end of the file add "#define USE_M5_FONT_CREATOR", as per README.md, the sketch "Examples -> M5Stack -> Advanced -> Display -> Display_Unicode" runs without any problems on Core1 (V2.7) and Core2.

If I'm now "porting" this example to M5Unified by

// #include <M5Stack.h>
#include <M5Unified.h>
void setup() {
  // M5.begin();        // Init M5Stack.  初始化M5Stack
  auto cfg = M5.config();

I got the following compilation error:

In file included from C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\Display_Unicode.ino:20:
C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\CUF_24px.h:64274:7: error: 'EncodeRange' does not name a type
 const EncodeRange unicode_24pxEncodeRange[] PROGMEM = {
C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\CUF_24px.h:66327:32: error: 'EncodeRange' was not declared in this scope
                               (EncodeRange *)unicode_24pxEncodeRange};
C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\CUF_24px.h:66327:32: note: suggested alternative:
In file included from c:\ <...> \Documents\Arduino\libraries\M5GFX\src/lgfx/v1/LGFXBase.hpp:32,
                 from c:\<...> \Documents\Arduino\libraries\M5GFX\src/M5GFX.h:21,
                 from c:\<...> \Documents\Arduino\libraries\M5Unified\src/M5Unified.hpp:19,
                 from c:\<...> \Documents\Arduino\libraries\M5Unified\src/M5Unified.h:5,
                 from C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\Display_Unicode.ino:18:
c:\<...> \Arduino\libraries\M5GFX\src/lgfx/v1/lgfx_fonts.hpp:126:10: note:   'lgfx::v1::EncodeRange'
   struct EncodeRange {
In file included from C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\Display_Unicode.ino:20:
C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\CUF_24px.h:66327:45: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
                               (EncodeRange *)unicode_24pxEncodeRange};
C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\CUF_24px.h:66327:46: error: expected '}' before 'unicode_24pxEncodeRange'
                               (EncodeRange *)unicode_24pxEncodeRange};
C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\CUF_24px.h:66321:30: note: to match this '{'
 const GFXfont unicode_24px = {(uint8_t *)unicode_24pxBitmaps,
C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\CUF_24px.h:66327:46: error: could not convert '{((uint8_t*)((const uint8_t*)(& unicode_24pxBitmaps))), ((GFXglyph*)((const GFXglyph*)(& unicode_24pxGlyphs))), 32, 65439, 25, 4090, <expression error>}' from '<brace-enclosed initializer list>' to 'const GFXfont' {aka 'const lgfx::v1::GFXfont'}
                               (EncodeRange *)unicode_24pxEncodeRange};
C:\ <...> \Display_Unicode\CUF_24px.h:66327:69: error: expected declaration before '}' token
                               (EncodeRange *)unicode_24pxEncodeRange};

exit status 1

Compilation error: 'EncodeRange' does not name a type

Which is the same also on a Core2.

As an Austrian, I depend on Unicode (äöüßÄÖÜ°)

Thank you, Marcus

P.S.: I am looking forward to when M5.getPin() will be available.

lovyan03 commented 9 months ago

Thanks for letting me know the problem. I have confirmed that you are correct, that EncodeRange is in a missing state.

Because the EncodeRange structure is in namespace "m5gfx" ( or lgfx ), The workaround you can do now is to add using m5gfx::EncodeRange;.

#include <M5Unified.hpp>  // before.

using m5gfx::EncodeRange; // add this.

#include "CUF_24px.h"    // after.

I would consider doing this inside the library if USE_M5_FONT_CREATOR is defined.

P.S: The next update will be released within a week.

maze61 commented 9 months ago

Hello Lovyan03,

thank you for your fast response and also providing a workaround.

Take care Marcus

maze61 commented 9 months ago

Hello Lovyan03,

examples sketch compiles now on Core 1, Core 2 and Stick C+. On all three controllers: M5.Lcd.drawString("Hello world", 160, 60, 1); is displayed correctly. But for

M5.Lcd.drawString("你好  世界", 160, 90, 1);  
M5.Lcd.drawString("Здравствуй  мир", 160, 120, 1);
M5.Lcd.drawString("こんにちは  せかい", 160, 150, 1);

only boxes instead of characters are shown unicodes dingbats via M5.Lcd.printf("☀☁☂☃☄★☆☇☈☉..."; are displayed correctly

Thanks, Marcus

lovyan03 commented 9 months ago

It is important to note that M5Unified is not fully compatible with the previous library.

Some function arguments may not exhibit the same behavior. Therefore, some of them must be changed to match M5Unified.

In this example, the fourth argument of drawString does not need to be ,1.

Do the following.

M5.Lcd.drawString("你好  世界", 160, 90);  
M5.Lcd.drawString("Здравствуй  мир", 160, 120);
M5.Lcd.drawString("こんにちは  せかい", 160, 150);
lovyan03 commented 9 months ago

The conventional library for LCD control is based on a library called TFT_eSPI. This had the property that the control method switched greatly depending on the font type. Therefore, it has a special meaning that font number 1 behaves as a GFX font.

M5Unified (M5GFX) has devised a solution to this special situation, Font number 1 has no special meaning and is simply a missing number. Therefore, if font number 1 is specified, there is no corresponding font and the default font is used.

maze61 commented 9 months ago

Hello lovyan03,

thanks for your explanation, which improved my understanding of M5 fonts!

Works now perfectly on both Core1 and Core2!

Please keep your good work on M5Unified going, I know it's a Tantalus task (M5.getPin(), M5.Power(), ...).

Take care, Marcus