m9brady / eodms-api-client

EODMS API Client for Python
MIT License
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Issue with polarization filter -rp #5

Closed ECCCBen closed 2 years ago

ECCCBen commented 2 years ago

When querying with the polarization filter I get 0 results but if I remove the filter, I get 932 results which most of them have the desired polarization HH+HV.

eodms -c RCM -s 2019-08-01 -e 2020-07-31 -g "G:\Shapefile\CG_EODMS_Query.geojson" -rp "HH+HV" -dr

The geojson polygon file. https://geojson.io/#map=7/68.094/-111.643

I noticed that in the attribute table the polarization appears as "HH HV". Issue with the "+" in the query input?

m9brady commented 2 years ago

Thanks Ben, you're probably right with the space instead of +. I was basing it off of the tables in EODMS that have since been updated to remove the +: https://www.eodms-sgdot.nrcan-rncan.gc.ca/wes/rapi/collections

Can you attach the geojson file instead of posting the link? Didn't seem to come through with the link...

ECCCBen commented 2 years ago


m9brady commented 2 years ago

pushed a new release v1.2.2 that should fix this behaviour with the CLI. It will take a while to get posted to conda-forge so if you don't want to wait, you can do the following:

from eodms_api_client import EodmsAPI
x = EodmsAPI('RCM')
x.query(start='2019-08-01', end='2020-07-31', geometry='./CG_EODMS_Query.geojson', polarization='HH HV')

For me this returned 676 results - interestingly there is a result field Polarization in Product that reports only HH for some images so be sure to drop those before ordering!