mAAdhaTTah / brookjs

reactive programming tools for well-structured, testable applications
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Proposal: New Collector API #190

Closed mAAdhaTTah closed 6 years ago

mAAdhaTTah commented 6 years ago

Currently, the Collector, responsible for pulling together all of the streams, currently walks to children it's passed, convert onX callbacks to streaming callbacks. The API currently looks like this:

  <button onClick={e$ => e$.map(() => ({ type: "CLICK" })}>
    Click me.

The issue here is twofold:

  1. When I start writing a component that I want to stream events from, I often forget the collector. Implementing the button, from a React perspective, looks the same. This is both good, because it simplifies the transition, but not so good if it produces unexpected bugs. "Doing it wrong" should be clearer.
  2. The onX callbacks can no longer be type-checked, because React's type definitions expect a function of SyntheticEvent => T but it's now Observable<SyntheticEvent> => Observable<T>. I really want to be able to fully typecheck a brookjs app, so solving this is required.

Instead, I'm proposing an API that looks like this:

    {collect => (
        <button onClick={collect(e$ => e$.map(() => ({ type: "CLICK" }))}>
            Click me.

This makes it explicit that you need to wrap your event listener with the collect function, which is responsible for wrapping your function and providing a callback to React. In addition to this explicitness, collect can be typechecked to ensure they match.

The downside in the addition of some boilerplate: both the function children as well as the collect callback.

Alternative: HOC

Instead of wrapping in a component with a render children, we could make this a HOC that gets configured with the callbacks it needs. So an API like this:

const Button = ({ onClick }) => (
    <button onClick={onClick}>
        Click me.

withCollector(Button, {
    events: {
        onClick: e$ => e$.map(() => ({ type: "CLICK" })

We could flatten this configuration object if we wanted:

withCollector(Button, {
    onClick: e$ => e$.map(() => ({ type: "CLICK" })

But I'm suggesting the events key because it would allow us to include a combiner key as well, which would allow us to merge events however we'd like:

withCollector(Button, {
    combine: ({ onClick$, onChange$ }) => onChange$.sampledBy(onClick$)
    events: {
        onClick: e$ => e$.map(() => ({ type: "CLICK" }),
        onChange: e$ => e$.map(e => ({ type: "TYPE", value: })

And now the component will only event a typing event when a button is clicked. Collector current has preplug, which would allow you to do something similar, but it's a bit more cumbersome because we can't provide named streams to the preplug callback.

The counterpoint is it's not clear how to handle the "modify streams by context" use case. In the above example, the resulting Button only emits a CLICK action. In the current implementation, we can modify the values emitted thus:

<Collector preplug={src$ => src$.map(action => ({ ...action, type: 'FORM_CLICK' }))}>
    <Button />

This, when embedded in a larger component, allows leaf components to emit generic actions while the container components scope those actions based on their context.

The render children version can continue to function in this manner without issue; the HOC will likely need an API change. I'm envisioning the returned component itself would expose preplug:

const CollectedButton = withCollector(Button, {
    combine: ({ onClick$, onChange$ }) => onChange$.sampledBy(onClick$)
    events: {
        onClick: e$ => e$.map(() => ({ type: "CLICK" }),
        onChange: e$ => e$.map(e => ({ type: "TYPE", value: })

<CollectedButton preplug={src$ => src$.map(action => ({ ...action, type: 'FORM_CLICK' }))} />
mAAdhaTTah commented 6 years ago

Also, feel free to bikeshed the naming here, withCollector vs collectable vs. whateverYouWant. We can all rebikeshed Aggregator as well, although I think that API is fine as-is.

mAAdhaTTah commented 6 years ago

If we're going to go with combine conceptually, we should provide the merged stream as well as access to the dependent streams, so something like this:

combine: (inst$, { onClick$, onType$ }) => onType$.sampledBy(onClick$);

We should then provide a helper function (withoutBy?) that you can use with #thru to get back a new stream with a provided stream removed:

combine: (inst$, { onClick$ }) => inst$.thru(withoutBy(onClick$));

would return a merged stream that contains onType$ alone.

This allows developers to say "I have a stream of 6 types of actions, and I want to interact with 2 of them and pass the rest on", they have a means of getting back a stream that to use in that way.

We should pull all of the Kefir helpers into a separate library as well (in 0.12.0).

mAAdhaTTah commented 6 years ago

Doing this as a high-order component has a couple nice things about it:

  1. Inclusion of combine, which should also be called with the component's props.
  2. Pass preplug directly rather than wrapping in another Collector.
  3. Simpler markup for the component itself; gets decorated w/ additional logic rather than embedding it in JSX, which can be very verbose.
  4. No breaking changes before 0.12.0 because we introduce it through a new HOC, and can deprecate Collector / Aggregator outright.

Still considering new names as well, and deprecating both Collector & Aggregator for these new components. Something stream-y / brook-y would be more this lib's style.

mAAdhaTTah commented 6 years ago

We're going with toJunction (Collector) & RootJunction (Aggregator). A Junction is a point where two rivers come together. We also considered Confluence, but it's Atlassian's product & a bit more esoteric.

Thank you WeAllJS Slack for helping with the naming!