Closed jgroote closed 11 years ago
Three classes have been added in revision 11700:
IdAssignment -> process::id_assignment
ParamId -> process::parameter_identifier
Nil -> core::nil
The following classes were already present:
SetComp -> data::set_comprehension_binder
BagComp -> data::bag_comprehension_binder
It has been decided not to generate classes for SortSpec, ConsSpec, MapSpec and DataEqnSpec, since there is not a real need for them. In the case of SortSpec there is also a practical reason not to generate classes for it. SortSpec depends on SortDecl, which can be either a SortId or a SortRef. But SortId and SortRef are unrelated, so it does not make sense to generate this artificial dependency.
The class data_specification can not be generated from DataSpec, since little of the generated code can be reused in the manual implementation.
Finally, removal of gsMake and gsIs functions is of course desirable, but it does not have a high priority. I propose to do this after a number of problems in the internal format have been fixed.
Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1154
component: General | priority: major | resolution: fixed | keywords: gsMake and gsIs functions
2013-03-21 22:06:26: @jgroote created the issue
In order to remove obsolete gsMake and gsIs functions generated classes are required for the following objects:
gsMakeIdAssignment gsIsIdAssignment gsMakeParamId gsIsParamId gsMakeNil gsIsNil
gsMakeDataSpec gsMakeSortSpec gsMakeConsSpec gsMakeMapSpec gsMakeDataEqnSpec
gsMakeSetComp gsMakeBagComp gsMakeBagComp