mCRL2org / mCRL2

The Git repository for the mCRL2 toolset.
Boost Software License 1.0
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Include statement #755

Open jgroote opened 14 years ago

jgroote commented 14 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 751

component: General | priority: minor

2010-06-29 10:19:08: created the issue

'nuff said, probably. Simple include functionality would greatly help a lot of people.

-*Proposed syntax:**

Current directory contains bitvector.mcrl2 and bitvector.bak.


includes "bitvector.mcrl2"


includes "bitvector.mcrl2"


includes "bitvector.bak"

jgroote commented 14 years ago

2010-06-29 11:26:20: @jkeiren commented

The idea seems like a large improvement in usability to me. One topic that will at least need to be addressed is the way in which an environment is considered for platforms other than Linux (especially Windows).

jgroote commented 14 years ago

2010-06-29 14:43:52: @twillems commented

I concur. The usability would definitely improve.

Would you advocate creating monolithic LPS files from modular process specifications, or advocate modular LPS files as well, with include directives for data specification only?

jgroote commented 7 years ago

2017-05-04 14:48:45: @wiegerw