mPyKen / ScreenAreaShare

Share selected area of the screen in applications that do not support this, e.g. Teams.
MIT License
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Minimized / disabled render window possible? #24

Open knuffelhaeschen opened 2 weeks ago

knuffelhaeschen commented 2 weeks ago

Dear PyKen,

you have created a great application, thank you very much.

I have a request: would it be possible to only show the red capturing window and disable/minimize the rendering window? Just minimizing the window does not yield good results: the moment I do that the window vanishes from the list of possible windows to share via Teams or Google Meet.

An alterantive might be if the rendering window would be way smaller in scale, so it can be pushed to a smaller second screen.

Big thanks in advance!

mPyKen commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for your kind words:) Sadly, minimizing or resizing the rendering window negatively affects the capture. Capturing will either fail completely or it will not receive the full resolution. You can, however, keep the rendering window behind other windows so it will not disturb your screen area