mRs- / HexColors

HexColors is an extension for UIColor and NSColor to support for creating colors from a hex strings
MIT License
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Add prefix to category methods to prevent name collision. #25

Closed idikic closed 8 years ago

idikic commented 9 years ago


after using HexColors within our project, via TSMessage pod, I have discovered that the category methods are not prefixed. Which in turn led to name collision with similar category used by another pod.

As it turns out this was one of those sneaky bug's to discover :).

Method name that collided was:

colorWith8BitRed:(NSInteger)red green:(NSInteger)green blue:(NSInteger)blue

I think it is a good pratice to have prefix on categories.

And by the way thanks for all your work, this is one of those must have libraries.

mRs- commented 9 years ago

TSMessages is using HexColors as a dependency maybe it's because of this.

But yeah prefixing is really a good thing to do. I creating a new major release for this because it's api breaking changes :)

idikic commented 9 years ago

Great thanks :)