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Add option to import user-submitted data #40

Open steinbeck opened 4 years ago

steinbeck commented 4 years ago

An import option for user-submitted data is needed. While a web interface for this, as well as a user management, might be nice, it is not needed at the beginning. An option for the maintainers to import a simple key-value pair file format would be sufficient. Say, I want to add a compound from Menyanthes Trifolata (, from the publication to COCONUT.

We could home in on a simple key-value-pair format as a beginning, allowing for fields such as

trivname sysname smiles inchi chemclass organism organismpart DOI

just to get something done. For this format, we have key-value readers in the java and javascript core libraries that make it very easy to read it into java properties. As part of the NFDI4Chem developments, we could then move over to a more sustainable and commonly agreed format.

So, the compound from the above paper would be (empty line just for human readability).


sysname=3-O-[β-d-galactopyranosyl(1→4)β-d-glucuronopyranosyl]-28-O-[β-d-apiofuranosyl(1→6)β-d-glucopyranosyl]betulinic acid



chemclass=triterpenoid chemclass=saponin

organism=Menyanthes trifoliata (or better an NCIB taxonomy ID) organismpart=rhizome (or better a BRENDA tissue ontology ID)
