mSorok / NaturalProductsOnline

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release database identifier <> InChIKey pairs as CCZero data #50

Open egonw opened 3 years ago

egonw commented 3 years ago

Opening up the option to have Wikidata link out to this database.

mSorok commented 3 years ago

Bringing this up, together with extraction of physchem data from Wikidata

egonw commented 3 years ago

@mSorok, for the physchem properties, Scholia uses the following SPARQL (here for aspirin):

# tool: scholia
# title: physicochemical properties of this chemical
SELECT DISTINCT ?propEntity ?propEntityLabel ?value ?units ?unitsLabel ?qualifiers ?source ?sourceLabel ?doi
  SELECT DISTINCT ?propEntity ?value ?units ?source ?doi (GROUP_CONCAT(?qualifierStr; separator=", ") AS ?qualifiers) WHERE {
    wd:Q18216 ?propp ?statement .
    ?statement a wikibase:BestRank ;
      ?proppsv [
        wikibase:quantityAmount ?value ;
        wikibase:quantityUnit ?units
      ] .
      ?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom/pr:P248 ?source .
      OPTIONAL { ?source wdt:P356 ?doi . }
    ?property wikibase:claim ?propp ;
            wikibase:statementValue ?proppsv ;
            wdt:P1629 ?propEntity ;
            wdt:P31 wd:Q21077852 .
        ?qualifierProp wikibase:qualifier ?qualifier ;
                       rdfs:label ?qProplabel; FILTER (lang(?qProplabel) = "en") .
        ?qualifier a owl:DatatypeProperty .
        ?statement ?qualifier ?qualifierVal .
        BIND (CONCAT(str(?qProplabel), ": ", str(?qualifierVal)) AS ?qualifierStr)
      } UNION {
        ?qualifierProp wikibase:qualifier ?qualifier ;
                       rdfs:label ?qProplabel; FILTER (lang(?qProplabel) = "en") .
        ?qualifier a owl:ObjectProperty .
        ?statement ?qualifier ?qualifierVal .
        ?qualifierVal rdfs:label ?qVallabel; FILTER (lang(?qVallabel) = "en") .
        BIND (CONCAT(str(?qProplabel), ": ", str(?qVallabel)) AS ?qualifierStr)
  } GROUP BY ?propEntity ?value ?units ?source ?doi
} AS %result
  INCLUDE %result
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY ASC(?propEntityLabel)