mTvare6 /

🚀Memory safe, blazing fast, configurable, minimal hello world written in rust(🚀) in a few lines of code with few(1092🚀) dependencies🚀
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Memory-safety compiler for memory safe code #389

Open TruncatedDinoSour opened 1 year ago

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

As rust uses memory, uses C(ve, ringe) code and unsafe (cve) blocks, I think this repo should have a custom memory safe compiler that doesn't use anything

My first implementation in x86_64 Linux FASM assembly:

format ELF64 executable 3
segment readable executable

define SYS_exit 60

    mov eax, SYS_exit
    xor edi, edi
TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Are CPU registers memory safe ????????

automa1on commented 1 year ago

Nothing is memory safe

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Nothing is memory safe

we should rewrite earth in rust #rust #memorysafe #safety #cve #memorysafety #safe #memory #blazinglyfast #customisable #lightweight

Sanceilaks commented 1 year ago

we need new memory safe CPU!!!

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

we need new memory safe CPU!!!

done, this is the whole blueprint
