mWater / mWater-Android-App

An Android App that snaps a picture of a petrifilm, counts the bacteria and posts the counts on a server for the mWater project
GNU General Public License v3.0
24 stars 16 forks source link

Need a package name for the app #30

Closed cesine closed 12 years ago

cesine commented 12 years ago

Hi @rocketboy76,

We need a unique identifier for the app before we can go too far in the development. The identifier is used by the Android to install the app and make sure it's not being replaced by malicious app etc. It's also used for other things. It usually looks like a domain name, but backwards. Right now we are using a domain name that one of the team members owns but ideally we want an identifier that reflects your project.

Do you have a domain name that you own (or a blog)?

Alternatively we could use something based on your current affiliation... all that really maters is that it is unique.


rocketboy76 commented 12 years ago

Hi Cesine,

I do have a blog, but I don't own the domain name ( since it is at posterous. Would that still work okay?

We are all looking forward to seeing the app! Are you guys still working on a video demo?

Thanks, John

rocketboy76 commented 12 years ago

Dear Cesine and Clayton,

I want to let you know about an ongoing project at UN-HABITAT that might complement the bacteria counting app very nicely. The app is called ODK Collect and is on the Android market (I don't have an android phone so am unable to see it). It basically contains some of the functionality that we were interested in adding, such as logging the name, location, and characteristics of a water source. I think it then uploads this to a database at

My UN-HABITAT colleague just put me in touch with the developer of ODK, who is with a software consulting firm in Kenya ( They would be interested in working with you to combine the image processing functionality of the Detecto Droid with the cataloging and uploading capability of their app.

At this point, I only said I would pass along this information, as I would like to know your thoughts about whether this is a good idea or something you would be interested in doing. I look forward to hearing what you think and your suggestions for how to proceed.

Thanks for all your time and dedication. Regardless of whether we decide to work with them, I look forward to using the app soon in the field.

Regards, John