mWater / wwmc-map

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Switch to using responses not wwmc_visit #21

Closed grassick closed 8 years ago

grassick commented 8 years ago

Form is: d1c360082dfc46b9bb1fd0ff582d6c06

You will need to reach inside data to get values, unfortunately.

grassick commented 8 years ago

Note: coffeescript has special ?. operator. As in data['sjklsadfaksldjf']?.value

which will return null safely if data['sdfgkljsasdf'] is null, not crash

grassick commented 8 years ago


  "name": {
    "en": "World Water Monitoring Challenge Visit (new)",
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  "_type": "Form",
  "_schema": 11,
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      "code": "en",
      "name": "English"
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        "en": "Visit Info",
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      "_type": "Section",
      "contents": [
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            "en": "Site visited",
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          "_type": "EntityQuestion",
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            "en": "Select",
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          "help": {
            "en": "*Why is this important?*\n\nYour results for some tests might be different if you monitored first thing in the morning or in the evening. When the sun is shining, aquatic plants actively convert sunlight to energy via photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, the plants release oxygen, which raises the water body’s dissolved oxygen levels. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can also have an effect on water temperature, making the surface of the water cooler at night than it is during the day.\n",
            "_base": "en"
          "text": {
            "en": "Date and time of monitoring",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "DateQuestion",
          "format": "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm",
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          "validations": []
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            "en": "School, organization, or group",
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            "en": "Number of people in your group",
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          "_id": "f7babf32cba746f1a14c976501542896",
          "help": {
            "en": "*Why do we ask this?*\n\nYou don't have to answer this question, but it helps us target programs to certain ages. Also, some funding organizations focus on certain age groups so it helps to have data on how well we reach them.\n",
            "_base": "en"
          "hint": {
            "en": "select all that apply",
            "_base": "en"
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            "en": "Age of people in your group",
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                "en": "0 - 10 years",
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              "label": {
                "en": "11 - 14 years",
                "_base": "en"
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                "en": "15 - 17 years",
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          "_id": "e1196f6ea0164e0db35a1bf9bc2cf046",
          "help": {
            "en": "*Why is this important?*\n\nRainfall contributes to runoff from the surfaces surrounding a body of water. Runoff can carry sediment, oil and grease, nutrients from fertilizer or other items from the surface into the water body. This can make the results of the water quality monitoring different than just prior to the rainfall.\n",
            "_base": "en"
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            "en": "Recent precipitation at site",
            "_base": "en"
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                "en": "Clear skies",
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                "en": "Cloudy",
                "_base": "en"
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                "en": "Hail",
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                "en": "Rain (measurable)",
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            "en": "Air temperature",
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                "en": "°C",
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          "help": {
            "en": "*Why is this important?*\n\nThe way that people, plants and animals use the land around a body of water can have an effect on water quality. For example, contaminants like fertilizer and pesticides from agricultural or residential areas (or oil and grease from urban areas) can eventually make their way into a nearby body of water.\n\n",
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            "en": "Land surrounding the site",
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                "en": "Agricultural",
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                "en": "Commercial",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "9WPGJmP",
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                "_base": "en"
              "id": "GPXZdtn",
              "label": {
                "en": "Park",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "KjbCSsM",
              "label": {
                "en": "Residential",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "MYWDavb",
              "label": {
                "en": "Other (please specify)",
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          "_id": "d28f9ed8ac2445f9900e6cb231d136d9",
          "hint": {
            "en": "You can add photos here to document your findings at the site",
            "_base": "en"
          "text": {
            "en": "Photo(s):",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "ImagesQuestion",
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          "conditions": [],
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          "text": {
            "en": "Other observations",
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      "conditions": []
      "_id": "d1e69e439bf841659cb5462b6b710086",
      "name": {
        "en": "Water Quality Data",
        "_base": "en"
      "_type": "Section",
      "contents": [
          "_id": "f9d648ce00ac4333bfdc6b7b5da196be",
          "text": {
            "en": "Leave the following questions blank if you did not test that parameter.\n\n\n*Where can I get the WWMC kit?* [Click here] ( to learn more about the World Water Monitoring Challenge test kit.",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "Instructions",
          "conditions": []
          "_id": "fc7558cb156a402782e2a0bdd536cb11",
          "hint": {
            "en": "check all that apply",
            "_base": "en"
          "text": {
            "en": "Type of kit used",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "MulticheckQuestion",
          "sticky": true,
          "choices": [
              "id": "YcLvRqu",
              "label": {
                "en": "World Water Monitoring Challenge Kit",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "981z7Bv",
              "label": {
                "en": "GM-Green",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "9RcXBqb",
              "label": {
                "en": "Other kit (please specify)",
                "_base": "en"
              "specify": true
              "id": "u8jTGxG",
              "label": {
                "en": "Did not use a kit",
                "_base": "en"
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          "_id": "dde39dbb678a436eb21e71054700b360",
          "help": {
            "en": "**Quality Assurance Protocol**\n\nThe quality assurance project plan, or QAPP, is a document that outlines the procedures that those who conduct a monitoring project will take to ensure that the data they collect and analyze meets project requirements. This document is designed to encourage and facilitate the development of volunteer QAPPs by clearly presenting explanations and examples. Readers are urged to consult the additional resources listed in the appendices to this document, and to contact their state or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regional quality assurance staff for specific information or guidance on their projects.\n\n[Click here]( to learn about the protocols.\n",
            "_base": "en"
          "text": {
            "en": "Did you follow standard Quality Assurance Protocols when monitoring?",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "RadioQuestion",
          "choices": [
              "id": "ZRZ4lkE",
              "label": {
                "en": "Yes",
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              "id": "kJVgp4P",
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                "en": "No",
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          "_id": "f4725a40f1474bd6a9c16df63865e1d8",
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            "en": "Turbidity",
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          "_type": "UnitsQuestion",
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                "en": "NTU",
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                "en": "cm",
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          "text": {
            "en": "Water temperature",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "UnitsQuestion",
          "units": [
              "id": "TD1xCge",
              "label": {
                "en": "°C",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "tHNeSTm",
              "label": {
                "en": "°F",
                "_base": "en"
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          "conditions": [],
          "validations": [],
          "defaultUnits": "TD1xCge",
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          "_id": "ea33bee55ce24dc1a2eaab2c5a6e679b",
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            "en": "Dissolved oxygen",
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          "_type": "UnitsQuestion",
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              "id": "7Qh9S4R",
              "label": {
                "en": "ppm",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "VymS4Et",
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                "en": "mg/L",
                "_base": "en"
          "decimal": true,
          "required": false,
          "conditions": [],
          "validations": [],
          "defaultUnits": "7Qh9S4R",
          "unitsPosition": "suffix"
          "_id": "e05e0afdff824cf3bbc3aefcfadc96ee",
          "text": {
            "en": "pH",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "NumberQuestion",
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          "required": false,
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          "validations": [
              "op": "range",
              "rhs": {
                "literal": {
                  "max": 14,
                  "min": 0
              "message": {
                "en": "pH must be between 0 and 14 !!!",
                "_base": "en"
          "_id": "e8150afaff2d4cc2a34adce8f679d67f",
          "text": {
            "en": "*The following parameters are not included in the WWMC kit*",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "Instructions",
          "conditions": []
          "_id": "dd639fb14f60480b9935f51f80a13a7e",
          "help": {
            "en": "*About Salinity*\n\nSalinity is a measure of the amount of dissolved salts in a solution of water. Before modern instrumentation was available, salinity was measured by evaporating a sample and weighing the salts that were left behind. Today more accurate methods are used that involve measuring the electrical conductivity or the density of the water.\n\nThere are many different ways to measure salinity and as a result there are different units used that do not have exact conversions to each other. You can learn more about this [here]( The units available in mWater are summarized below:\n\n+ **PSU (Practical Salinity Unit)** equivalent to parts per thousand (ppt) or g/kg, this unit is based on the electrical conductivity of seawater. Typical seawater is 35 PSU.\n\n+ **ppt (parts per thousand)** the ratio of mass of dissolved salts to mass of water sample\n\n+ **g/kg** equivalent to ppt\n\n+ **mg/L** the mass of dissolved salts divided by the volume of water sample (this includes some assumption about the temperature and pressure of the water, which would affect the volume in Liters)\n\n+ **uS/cm (micro siemens per centimeter)** this is actually a unit of electrical conductivity but sometimes salinity is expressed directly in this unit; seawater is approximately 4800 uS/cm\n",
            "_base": "en"
          "text": {
            "en": "Salinity",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "UnitsQuestion",
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              "id": "p648Aws",
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                "en": "PSU",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "7RdW2rL",
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                "en": "ppt",
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              "id": "anG4cLQ",
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                "en": "g/kg",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "xCbEbJH",
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                "en": "mg/L",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "hwwqNWg",
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                "en": "uS/cm",
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          "help": {
            "en": "Nitrate is expressed either in terms of the mass of only the nitrogen atoms in the nitrate ion (mg/L-N) or in terms of the mass of the entire nitrate ion (mg/L-NO3). It is important to find out which unit your method uses to express results.",
            "_base": "en"
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            "en": "Nitrate",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "UnitsQuestion",
          "units": [
              "id": "GyEGcc9",
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                "en": "mg/L-N",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "NHN3drA",
              "label": {
                "en": "mg/L-NO3",
                "_base": "en"
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          "conditions": [],
          "validations": [],
          "defaultUnits": "GyEGcc9",
          "unitsPosition": "suffix"
          "_id": "ec09f13bc97a433ba8f89c1c34273a9f",
          "help": {
            "en": "Nitrite is expressed either in terms of the mass of only the nitrogen atoms in the nitrite ion (mg/L-N) or in terms of the mass of the entire nitrite ion (mg/L-NO2). It is important to find out which unit your method uses to express results.",
            "_base": "en"
          "text": {
            "en": "Nitrite",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "UnitsQuestion",
          "units": [
              "id": "GyEGcc9",
              "label": {
                "en": "mg/L-N",
                "_base": "en"
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              "label": {
                "en": "mg/L-NO2",
                "_base": "en"
          "decimal": true,
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          "conditions": [],
          "validations": [],
          "defaultUnits": "GyEGcc9",
          "unitsPosition": "suffix"
          "_id": "eff5e181612541f9b04b33d39a17715d",
          "help": {
            "en": "Phosphate is expressed either in terms of the mass of only the phosphorus atoms in the phosphate ion (mg/L-P) or in terms of the mass of the entire phosphate ion (mg/L-PO3). It is important to find out which unit your method uses to express results.",
            "_base": "en"
          "text": {
            "en": "Phosphate",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "UnitsQuestion",
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              "id": "ZpKrFN4",
              "label": {
                "en": "mg/L-P",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "z63Yxfm",
              "label": {
                "en": "mg/L-PO3",
                "_base": "en"
          "decimal": true,
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          "conditions": [],
          "validations": [],
          "defaultUnits": "ZpKrFN4",
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          "_id": "d0769350e12143979198aeb5bac9e0fb",
          "text": {
            "en": "** You have not entered any water quality data. Are you sure you want to move on? **\n",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "Instructions",
          "conditions": [
              "op": "!present",
              "lhs": {
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              "lhs": {
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      "conditions": []
      "_id": "e9b845fc837246b4ac8a01dd6e233ee8",
      "name": {
        "en": "Macroinvertebrate Data",
        "_base": "en"
      "_type": "Section",
      "contents": [
          "_id": "f525f6ad2e614ab383ebc11ac2d24d12",
          "text": {
            "en": "###Macroinvertebrate data",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "Instructions",
          "conditions": []
          "_id": "f146785697ac4d29821a6969e909ee20",
          "text": {
            "en": "Do you have macroinvertebrate (insect/worm/snail) data to enter?",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "RadioQuestion",
          "choices": [
              "id": "He4yspy",
              "label": {
                "en": "Yes",
                "_base": "en"
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              "label": {
                "en": "No",
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          "help": {
            "en": "Caddisflies:\n![alt text]( \"Caddisflies\") \n\nDobsonflies:\n![alt text]( \"Dobsonflies\")\n\nMayflies:\n![alt text]( \"Mayflies\")  \n\nStoneflies:\n![alt text]( \"Stoneflies\")\n",
            "_base": "en"
          "hint": {
            "en": "check all that were observed - click the ? for photos",
            "_base": "en"
          "text": {
            "en": "Group 1 Taxa (pollution sensitive)",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "MulticheckQuestion",
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              "id": "8R5P9ST",
              "label": {
                "en": "Caddisflies",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "dbBRlKD",
              "label": {
                "en": "Dobsonflies",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "7ZU8Yjg",
              "label": {
                "en": "Mayflies",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "9QfVGsF",
              "label": {
                "en": "Stoneflies",
                "_base": "en"
          "required": false,
          "conditions": [
              "op": "is",
              "lhs": {
                "question": "f146785697ac4d29821a6969e909ee20"
              "rhs": {
                "literal": "He4yspy"
          "validations": []
          "_id": "fc27a75ece87477aa59f0193b8afd4ce",
          "help": {
            "en": "Craneflies:\n![alt text]( \"Craneflies\")\n\nDragonflies:\n![alt text]( \"Dragonflies\")\n\nScuds:\n![alt text]( \"Scuds\")\n",
            "_base": "en"
          "hint": {
            "en": "check all that were observed - click the ? for photos",
            "_base": "en"
          "text": {
            "en": "Group 2 Taxa (somewhat pollution tolerant)",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "MulticheckQuestion",
          "choices": [
              "id": "kkEEkks",
              "label": {
                "en": "Craneflies",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "h7yvJDd",
              "label": {
                "en": "Dragonflies",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "Rx7u6Tp",
              "label": {
                "en": "Scuds",
                "_base": "en"
          "required": false,
          "conditions": [
              "op": "is",
              "lhs": {
                "question": "f146785697ac4d29821a6969e909ee20"
              "rhs": {
                "literal": "He4yspy"
          "validations": []
          "_id": "ce3c95486d214836823d030386a64e50",
          "help": {
            "en": "Leeches:\n![alt text]( \"Leeches\")\n\nMidges:\n![alt text]( \"Midges\")\n\nPouch snails:\n![alt text]( \"Pouch snails\")\n\nTubiflex worms:\n![alt text]( \"Tubiflex worms\")\n",
            "_base": "en"
          "hint": {
            "en": "check all that were observed - click the ? for photos",
            "_base": "en"
          "text": {
            "en": "Group 3 Taxa (pollution tolerant)",
            "_base": "en"
          "_type": "MulticheckQuestion",
          "choices": [
              "id": "h7yvJDd",
              "label": {
                "en": "Leeches",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "Rx7u6Tp",
              "label": {
                "en": "Midges",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "AK3NYkv",
              "label": {
                "en": "Pounch snails",
                "_base": "en"
              "id": "qxmSzcj",
              "label": {
                "en": "Tubiflex worms",
                "_base": "en"
          "required": false,
          "conditions": [
              "op": "is",
              "lhs": {
                "question": "f146785697ac4d29821a6969e909ee20"
              "rhs": {
                "literal": "He4yspy"
          "validations": []
      "conditions": []
  "draftNameRequired": false