ma1uta / ma1sd

Federated Matrix Identity Server (formerly fork of kamax/mxisd)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
167 stars 55 forks source link

Failed to authenticate with ma1sd Identity Server, but ma1sd logs tell me successfull to authenticate #105

Closed s0p4LiN closed 2 years ago

s0p4LiN commented 2 years ago

Operating system

Windows 10 v19043.1387

Browser information

Google Chrome v96.0.4664.93

URL for webapp

Application version

Element version v1.9.6


Steps to reproduce

I have a working Matrix / Element chat server.

I want to use the password_provider: rest_auth_provider.RestAuthProvider instead of the ldap_auth_provider.LdapAuthProvider. It will be working with ma1sd service.


What did you expect?

Login with the Active Directory Credentials then use the Element chat.

What happened instead?

Failed to authenticate.

Here's the screenshot showing successful login with ma1sd and not successful from the Element web:

matrix labo failed

I did then a strace command to follow the issue that may not appear in the default log file:

strace -f -s 200 -p PID

When I try to login:

[pid  8168] write(7, "2021-12-13 11:42:22,991 - - 267 - INFO - POST-18 - Got login request with identifier: {'type': '', 'user': 'user user'}, medium: None, address: None, user: None\n", 200) = 200
[pid  8168] write(7, "2021-12-13 11:42:22,991 - rest_auth_provider - 46 - INFO - POST-18 - Got password check for @user\n", 133) = 133
[pid  8168] write(7, "2021-12-13 11:42:23,009 - rest_auth_provider - 58 - INFO - POST-18 - User not authenticated\n", 92) = 92
[pid  8168] write(7, "2021-12-13 11:42:23,013 - synapse.handlers.auth - 967 - WARNING - POST-18 - Attempted to login as @user but they do not exist\n", 161) = 161
[pid  8168] getpid()                    = 8168

I found out that it was trying to connect with the Common Name instead of the sAMAccountName.

I change the ma1sd config file and change the name: value

      type: 'uid'
      value: 'sAMAccountName'
      #name: 'cn'
      name: 'sAMAccountName'

Then the log strace show me now it try to log with the sAMAccountName:

[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,236 - - 267 - INFO - POST-16 - Got login request with identifier: {'type': '', 'user': 'user'}, medium: None, address: None, user: None\n", 194) = 194
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,236 - rest_auth_provider - 46 - INFO - POST-16 - Got password check for\n", 127) = 127
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,254 - rest_auth_provider - 62 - INFO - POST-16 - User authenticated\n", 123) = 123
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,257 - rest_auth_provider - 76 - INFO - POST-16 - User already exists, registration skipped\n", 146) = 146
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,257 - rest_auth_provider - 79 - INFO - POST-16 - Handling profile data\n", 91) = 91
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,258 - synapse.handlers.auth - 2074 - WARNING - POST-16 - Failed to run module API callback <function load_single_legacy_password_auth_provider.<locals>.async_wrapper.<locals>.wrapp"..., 279) = 279

But now it gives me a API Module error.

In the chrome network dev tools, it return me a Forbidden error on the Headers


And it return in the Response

{"errcode":"M_FORBIDDEN","error":"Invalid password"}

Below are my configuration files:

  1. Matrix config file:
pid_file: "/var/run/"

  - port: 8008
    tls: false
    type: http
    x_forwarded: true
    bind_addresses: ['::1', '']
      - names: [client, federation]
        compress: false

limit_usage_by_mau: false
mau_stats_only: false


  name: psycopg2
  txn_limit: 10000
    user: synapse_test_user
    password: password
    database: synapse_db_test
    port: 5432
    cp_min: 5
    cp_max: 10

log_config: "/etc/matrix-synapse/log.yaml"
media_store_path: "/var/lib/matrix-synapse/media"
max_upload_size: 50M
enable_registration: false
registration_shared_secret: secret_pass
enable_set_displayname: false
macaroon_secret_key: secret_pass2

signing_key_path: "/etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.signing.key"

  - server_name: ""

    search_all_users: true

  - module: "rest_auth_provider.RestAuthProvider"
      endpoint: ""
  1. Mas1d config file
  domain: ''
  v1: false
  v2: true

enable_registration: false
  path: '/var/lib/ma1sd/keys'

      database: '/var/lib/ma1sd/store.db'

  enabled: true
  lookup: true 
  activeDirectory: true
  defaultDomain: 'company.lan'
    host: ''
    port: 389
    bindDn: 'cn=admin.user,ou=Users,dc=company,dc=lan'
    bindPassword: 'password'
      - 'ou=Users,dc=company,dc=lan'
      type: 'uid'
      value: 'sAMAccountName'
    name: 'cn'

  enabled: true 
  pepperLength: 20 
  rotationPolicy: per_requests
  hashStorageType: sql
    - sha256 
  requests: 10 

  root: error     
  app: info     
  requests: false 
  1. Element config file
    "default_server_config": {
        "m.homeserver": {
            "base_url": "",
            "server_name": ""
        "m.identity_server": {
            "base_url": ""
    "disable_custom_urls": true,
    "disable_guests": true,
    "disable_login_language_selector": false,
    "disable_3pid_login": true,
    "brand": "Element Labo",
    "integrations_ui_url": "",
    "integrations_rest_url": "",
    "integrations_widgets_urls": [
    "bug_report_endpoint_url": "",
    "defaultCountryCode": "GB",
    "showLabsSettings": false,
    "features": { },
    "default_federate": true,
    "default_theme": "light",
    "roomDirectory": {
        "servers": [
    "piwik": {
        "url": "",
        "whitelistedHSUrls": [""],
        "whitelistedISUrls": ["", ""],
        "siteId": 1
    "enable_presence_by_hs_url": {
        "": false,
        "": false
    "settingDefaults": {
        "breadcrumbs": true
    "jitsi": {
        "preferredDomain": ""
  1. Nginx config file (Matrix / Mas1d)
server {
    listen 80;
    return 301$request_uri;

server {
    listen 443 ssl;

    ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/matrix-labo.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/certs/matrix-labo-privkey.pem;

    location /_matrix/client/r0/login {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8090;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

#    location /_matrix/client/r0/user_directory {
 #       proxy_pass http://localhost:8090/_matrix/client/r0/user_directory;
  #      proxy_set_header Host $host;
   #     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
   # }

    location /_matrix/identity {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8090/_matrix/identity;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

    location ~* ^(\/_matrix|\/_synapse\/client) { 
#    location \_matrix { 

        proxy_pass http://localhost:8008;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        #proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        # Nginx by default only allows file uploads up to 1M in size
        # Increase client_max_body_size to match max_upload_size defined in homeserver.yaml
        client_max_body_size 10M;



server {
    listen 8448 ssl;

    ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/matrix-labo.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/certs/matrix-labo-privkey.pem;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8008;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

  1. Nginx config file (Element)
server {
    listen 80;
    return 301$request_uri;

server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    root /var/www/element/;
    index index.html index.php index.htm;

    ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/element-labo.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/certs/element-labo-pvkey.pem;
    #ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam-chat.pem;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/;

    add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" always;
    add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
    add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000";
#    add_header Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors 'none'";

    ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:20m;
    ssl_session_timeout 15m;
    ssl_session_tickets off;

    ssl_protocols TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
    ssl_ecdh_curve X25519:P-521:P-384:P-256;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

    location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

s0p4LiN commented 2 years ago

Here's the full strace capture when I tried to login:

strace -f -s 200 -p PID_number

strace: Process 10211 attached with 13 threads
[pid 10227] futex(0x7f5f7c0011f0, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10226] futex(0x7f5f78001440, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10223] futex(0x7f5f88000db0, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10224] futex(0x7f5f8c0011f0, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10237] futex(0x7f5f700011f0, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10225] futex(0x7f5f800011f0, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10221] futex(0x7f5f9001e990, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10217] select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=3, tv_usec=925734} <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4,  <unfinished ...>
[pid 10219] futex(0x7f5f98010a30, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10218] futex(0x7f5fa001e460, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10222] futex(0x7f5f9401ded0, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10220] futex(0x7f5f9c010ea0, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 4, 180) = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=14, u64=140045998620686}}], 4, 1000) = 1
[pid 10211] accept4(14, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(57528), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16], SOCK_CLOEXEC) = 18
[pid 10211] getsockname(18, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(8008), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [128->16]) = 0
[pid 10211] fcntl(18, F_GETFD)          = 0x1 (flags FD_CLOEXEC)
[pid 10211] fcntl(18, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0
[pid 10211] ioctl(18, FIONBIO, [1])     = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_ctl(4, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 18, {EPOLLIN, {u32=18, u64=140045998620690}}) = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=18, u64=140045998620690}}], 5, 526) = 1
[pid 10211] recvfrom(18, "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/r0/login HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nX-Forwarded-For:\r\nConnection: close\r\nAccept: */*\r\nAccess-Control-Request-Method: POST\r\nAccess-Control-Request-H"..., 65536, 0, NULL, NULL) = 546
[pid 10211] getsockname(18, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(8008), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,220 - - 479 - WARNING - sentinel - forwarded request lacks an x-forwarded-proto header: assuming https\n", 141) = 141
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=89624}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98000}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=89670}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98004}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_ctl(4, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, 18, {EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT, {u32=18, u64=18}}) = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_ctl(4, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, 18, {EPOLLOUT, {u32=18, u64=18}}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=89920}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98027}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=90000}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98034}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=90062}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98039}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=90125}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98045}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4, [{EPOLLOUT, {u32=18, u64=18}}], 5, 524) = 1
[pid 10211] sendto(18, "HTTP/1.0 204 No Content\r\nServer: Synapse/1.48.0\r\nDate: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 11:04:02 GMT\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPT"..., 291, 0, NULL, 0) = 291```
[pid 10211] epoll_ctl(4, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 18, 0x7ffc6d662bb4) = 0
[pid 10211] shutdown(18, SHUT_RDWR)     = 0
[pid 10211] close(18)                   = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=14, u64=140045998620686}}], 4, 523) = 1
[pid 10211] accept4(14, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(57530), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16], SOCK_CLOEXEC) = 18
[pid 10211] getsockname(18, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(8008), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [128->16]) = 0
[pid 10211] fcntl(18, F_GETFD)          = 0x1 (flags FD_CLOEXEC)
[pid 10211] fcntl(18, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0
[pid 10211] ioctl(18, FIONBIO, [1])     = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_ctl(4, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 18, {EPOLLIN, {u32=18, u64=140045998620690}}) = 0
[pid 10211] accept4(14, 0x7ffc6d662cc0, [16], SOCK_CLOEXEC) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=18, u64=140045998620690}}], 5, 511) = 1
[pid 10211] recvfrom(18, "POST /_matrix/client/r0/login HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nX-Forwarded-For:\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 183\r\nsec-ch-ua: \" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"96\", \"Go"..., 65536, 0, NULL, NULL) = 847
[pid 10211] getsockname(18, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(8008), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,235 - - 479 - WARNING - sentinel - forwarded request lacks an x-forwarded-proto header: assuming https\n", 141) = 141
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=91871}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98202}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=92010}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98215}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] stat("/var/lib/matrix-synapse/.netrc", 0x7ffc6d65e3f0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 10211] stat("/var/lib/matrix-synapse/_netrc", 0x7ffc6d65e3f0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 10211] setsockopt(19, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0
[pid 10211] ioctl(19, FIONBIO, [0])     = 0
[pid 10211] connect(19, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(8090), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
[pid 10211] sendto(19, "POST /_matrix-internal/identity/v1/check_credentials HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: python-requests/2.26.0\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nConte"..., 249, 0, NULL, 0) = 249
[pid 10211] sendto(19, "{\"user\": {\"id\": \"\", \"password\": \"password_user\"}}", 84, 0, NULL, 0) = 84
[pid 10211] ioctl(19, FIONBIO, [0])     = 0
[pid 10211] recvfrom(19, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nCo"..., 8192, 0, NULL, NULL) = 424
[pid 10211] close(19)                   = 0
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] futex(0x7f5f9001e990, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
[pid 10221] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10221] futex(0x93db48, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE, 0, {tv_sec=247399, tv_nsec=429822686}, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=95158}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98498}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=95230}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98504}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=95300}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98510}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db48, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
[pid 10221] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4,  <unfinished ...>
[pid 10221] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0
[pid 10221] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=6064}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=6064}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10221] sendto(11, "\27\3\3\0C\243\211\233V\r\255\267\27C\326\31\212r\250\33#\207&\332\322=\216\3400h|\222u#\353U\331\201\376&8\377=\213-\24E\355uo\240\320i0q#\3367\301.\200\25\317\266\7\27\23V\311\224\300\264", 72, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 72
[pid 10221] poll([{fd=11, events=POLLIN|POLLERR}], 1, -1) = 1 ([{fd=11, revents=POLLIN}])
[pid 10221] recvfrom(11, "\27\3\3\0)", 5, 0, NULL, NULL) = 5
[pid 10221] recvfrom(11, "5\351S\214\f2]\366T\fU\273VX\377x\242|\350\324\322xE\335b+\265\277\0\245P\353\241\36\367\3zm \372\345", 41, 0, NULL, NULL) = 41
[pid 10221] sendto(11, "\27\3\3\0\203\243\211\233V\r\255\267\30\349\226ww\250\365%W10\"\325\340\367\23\247D\257\236\16\350S\326\372\356\350g\20!\26,5:\317|\17\335\217H\235\203_VZ\207\360\314\310pt:|%\204\373i\351\20D\373{D>\223\251\25p\\\24\367\n\276\236\323K\246\2\374\7c\212\333\210L\220\216\245\205,\370A\330\256_\372\323M\256JU\212\347\265\17\316uEJ\377\336\16\273>:\277\312?\202m\25L.", 136, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 136
[pid 10221] poll([{fd=11, events=POLLIN|POLLERR}], 1, -1) = 1 ([{fd=11, revents=POLLIN}])
[pid 10221] recvfrom(11, "\27\3\3\0\233", 5, 0, NULL, NULL) = 5
[pid 10221] recvfrom(11, "5\351S\214\f2]\367Z\235\372}L\251u6\36u\205o\21M\353h;\1\3652\0\365<\312\10hF\177\68\377\244f\326e;29\2660\236<\7\246\0\367\371m\21\344\350\236\305\265\212\vT\310\250\244&\273\2569Oa\312aL\212Ti\360E\354\376\306\241\212\267UQ\212\260\200\320S\352\277E\370\213*8Z\253\206w%\6\37}\244\265\377E\272\2619\371\271\2\237\360\34\356\215\233\243G\272\2062\214\304\270XW\213\271\346?\255\265\251\304=\27\232+\25\347\233C&f\325", 155, 0, NULL, NULL) = 155
[pid 10221] sendto(11, "\27\3\3\0$\243\211\233V\r\255\267\31\240\226\357\35\4\206\\\200\0322\305$\320\270#OJ=\375d\337\244:C\355\256kY", 41, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 41
[pid 10221] poll([{fd=11, events=POLLIN|POLLERR}], 1, -1) = 1 ([{fd=11, revents=POLLIN}])
[pid 10221] recvfrom(11, "\27\3\3\0*", 5, 0, NULL, NULL) = 5
[pid 10221] recvfrom(11, "5\351S\214\f2]\370\343\2475\322\315Z\315A*j\315\326\346\333\307'@\20-\315}\350\267\235\321\2557K\26~P\226\245\265", 42, 0, NULL, NULL) = 42
[pid 10221] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=6486}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=6064}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10221] write(6, "x", 1)            = 1
[pid 10211] <... epoll_wait resumed>[{EPOLLIN, {u32=5, u64=140045998620677}}], 5, 491) = 1
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db4c, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE, 0, {tv_sec=247399, tv_nsec=432502103}, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10221] futex(0x93db4c, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
[pid 10211] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10221] futex(0x7f5f9001e990, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0
[pid 10211] read(5, "x", 8192)          = 1
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=95885}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98563}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,236 - - 267 - INFO - POST-16 - Got login request with identifier: {'type': '', 'user': 'user'}, medium: None, address: None, user: None\n", 194) = 194
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,236 - rest_auth_provider - 46 - INFO - POST-16 - Got password check for\n", 127) = 127
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,254 - rest_auth_provider - 62 - INFO - POST-16 - User authenticated\n", 123) = 123
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,257 - rest_auth_provider - 76 - INFO - POST-16 - User already exists, registration skipped\n", 146) = 146
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,257 - rest_auth_provider - 79 - INFO - POST-16 - Handling profile data\n", 91) = 91
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,258 - synapse.handlers.auth - 2074 - WARNING - POST-16 - Failed to run module API callback <function load_single_legacy_password_auth_provider.<locals>.async_wrapper.<locals>.wrapp"..., 279) = 279
[pid 10211] futex(0x7f5f9401ded0, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
[pid 10222] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD,  <unfinished ...>
[pid 10222] futex(0x93db48, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE, 0, {tv_sec=247399, tv_nsec=434105323}, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] <... getrusage resumed>{ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=96799}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98645}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db48, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1 <unfinished ...>
[pid 10222] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10211] <... futex resumed>)        = 1
[pid 10222] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1 <unfinished ...>
[pid 10222] <... futex resumed>)        = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
[pid 10211] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10222] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1 <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4,  <unfinished ...>
[pid 10222] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10222] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=9324}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=4659}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10222] sendto(16, "\27\3\3\0C\232z\242\312\316\315\22\317\275\376\277\270\304\362\2142\313\256~yL\231\305\377\221\240\325*\233X\226\363, \226\177\255\317\200\243\24\365J\215#\31E\257\327=\235\206\370\366\325r2G\300\222\223>}\374w\346\220", 72, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 72
[pid 10222] poll([{fd=16, events=POLLIN|POLLERR}], 1, -1) = 1 ([{fd=16, revents=POLLIN}])
[pid 10222] recvfrom(16, "\27\3\3\0)", 5, 0, NULL, NULL) = 5
[pid 10222] recvfrom(16, "KA\33\300\315\357\26M\17T/\254\v\201\20\216{\324\212\223\257j\37\243\373\7\277}\352\336\346\26\342\3;\223\t\30|\257\266", 41, 0, NULL, NULL) = 41
[pid 10222] sendto(16, "\27\3\3\0\203\232z\242\312\316\315\22\320\262\270\37G\237\274\rT}X\265F\353\354\375\265\246\352\320Xv\243\252\\.\317\352\334\273\236C\2159\252\314\320\243\263\22\23\2416\257\4\206\245\371\332C\317{\277\316)q\355\243E~t\341BMr\252(\274\338;-\326T\22\264yNxR~\r\372\240f\0276Yy=+\204\270y\275\3553h\316\251\207\1\232\213\311\313F\322lQ\270#\25\246\342E\225\377\350G%\355Z`", 136, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 136
[pid 10222] poll([{fd=16, events=POLLIN|POLLERR}], 1, -1) = 1 ([{fd=16, revents=POLLIN}])
[pid 10222] recvfrom(16, "\27\3\3\0\233", 5, 0, NULL, NULL) = 5
[pid 10222] recvfrom(16, "KA\33\300\315\357\26N]\3k\30\222\367L[\317\263/\212\216Dm`\331\337?U\253\345\212\340u\246\6v4\334\240`\"\352\211\\;'\6\373n!O\325h\0)\"t?\330\304\v\312\270\343\200\305\335\21\361y\252\237\334\20\200\322\278;\236Z\227\301\354\326\255\223\233\2109M\302~\3702{\34\3\20\264\361lZZD^\256\257\272\266\240\341\324\307x\312C_fS.\\0\322wR\224Bs\312\33\234\261H\34\277\177\0c\261\273h\221\331\302\260\276u\245\302\27\316\36\35\\", 155, 0, NULL, NULL) = 155
[pid 10222] sendto(16, "\27\3\3\0$\232z\242\312\316\315\22\321M\242\333\227\34\216zc\367\3\208T\255\341\1\227\367\210?\336EJDlpq\263", 41, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 41
[pid 10222] poll([{fd=16, events=POLLIN|POLLERR}], 1, -1) = 1 ([{fd=16, revents=POLLIN}])
[pid 10222] recvfrom(16, "\27\3\3\0*", 5, 0, NULL, NULL) = 5
[pid 10222] recvfrom(16, "KA\33\300\315\357\26O\230\316\"X\240\265\374\211O\214\7\312s\350dcv\234H<\310\235\315\261\254}g:G\0Y\321\315\207", 42, 0, NULL, NULL) = 42
[pid 10222] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=9637}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=4815}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10222] write(6, "x", 1)            = 1
[pid 10222] futex(0x7f5f9401ded0, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] <... epoll_wait resumed>[{EPOLLIN, {u32=5, u64=140045998620677}}], 5, 487) = 1
[pid 10211] read(5, "x", 8192)          = 1
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97059}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98669}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] futex(0x7f5f98010a30, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
[pid 10219] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10219] futex(0x93db4c, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE, 0, {tv_sec=247399, tv_nsec=436888178}, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97312}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98691}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97358}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98696}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98701}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db4c, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
[pid 10219] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10219] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
[pid 10219] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10219] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4,  <unfinished ...>
[pid 10219] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=14149}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10219] sendto(15, "\27\3\3\0m\206a$\27*\275\324\364\202eR\306\34\23(2\225\25\r\227\257:E\375\264\340\220\232\327\26\342\244\0341\fdC\340\356\265\222\350aj\271\260\260kO*\266<\261\343\257\t\316\342h\177\320\261\231\256\"vWXA2Ho\332'h-K\237\342\353e\335\257\206\35}\264/\247\204\222\f\370y>Ea\n}\227\17\4\256L\226\337\376\204\n", 114, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 114
[pid 10219] poll([{fd=15, events=POLLIN|POLLERR}], 1, -1) = 1 ([{fd=15, revents=POLLIN}])
[pid 10219] recvfrom(15, "\27\3\3\0]", 5, 0, NULL, NULL) = 5
[pid 10219] recvfrom(15, "?\240S\263\3611\231\354\202\321\7\264\350\261$s\331\202VO.e\265\322f(\377\305\344N\fIyi\366Hg\254d\340D\360\1\224\225\304\363\311s\22\242C\223\r\225r0\30\203\275\344\250\215'\243C\2059/T\267j\23?\177\4\2558;\244\350\2611\221q\275\206\230\22\240\374\274\224", 93, 0, NULL, NULL) = 93
[pid 10219] sendto(15, "\27\3\3\0J\206a$\27*\275\324\365\250\363\313\200O{\235\302<\34\361\353j\10\261\177\323\3572\307`\324\356\26\7I\327\37\231)!\267L\33\5\272\vL\212K\371m\31$\300\315\27\2474 W\3142\366+\5\177\232\213\313\5\252|\6\335\316", 79, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 79
[pid 10219] poll([{fd=15, events=POLLIN|POLLERR}], 1, -1) = 1 ([{fd=15, revents=POLLIN}])
[pid 10219] recvfrom(15, "\27\3\3\0'", 5, 0, NULL, NULL) = 5
[pid 10219] recvfrom(15, "?\240S\263\3611\231\3558\360\261\344\354\231\343\221\333\373\35\3779\365\374.=,\331\277\307/\326\10\362\36\327\246)\336\356", 39, 0, NULL, NULL) = 39
[pid 10219] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=14529}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10219] write(6, "x", 1)            = 1
[pid 10211] <... epoll_wait resumed>[{EPOLLIN, {u32=5, u64=140045998620677}}], 5, 484) = 1
[pid 10219] futex(0x7f5f98010a30, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] read(5, "x", 8192)          = 1
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=98961}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=99063}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=99197}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] write(7, "2021-12-13 12:04:02,264 - synapse.handlers.auth - 1317 - WARNING - POST-16 - Failed password login for user\n", 143) = 143
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] futex(0x7f5f700011f0, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
[pid 10237] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD,  <unfinished ...>
[pid 10237] futex(0x93db48, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE, 0, {tv_sec=247399, tv_nsec=440197778}, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] <... getrusage resumed>{ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=99771}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=99814}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=99860}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db48, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
[pid 10237] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4,  <unfinished ...>
[pid 10237] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0
[pid 10237] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=2863}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10237] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=2904}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10237] write(6, "x", 1)            = 1
[pid 10211] <... epoll_wait resumed>[{EPOLLIN, {u32=5, u64=140045998620677}}], 5, 481) = 1
[pid 10237] futex(0x93db4c, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE, 0, {tv_sec=247399, tv_nsec=440756030}, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db4c, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1 <unfinished ...>
[pid 10237] <... futex resumed>)        = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
[pid 10211] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10211] read(5,  <unfinished ...>
[pid 10237] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1 <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] <... read resumed>"x", 8192) = 1
[pid 10237] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db48, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE, 0, {tv_sec=247399, tv_nsec=440891269}, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10237] futex(0x93db48, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
[pid 10211] <... futex resumed>)        = 0
[pid 10237] futex(0x7f5f700011f0, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY <unfinished ...>
[pid 10211] futex(0x93db50, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=100066}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_ctl(4, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, 18, {EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT, {u32=18, u64=18}}) = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_ctl(4, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, 18, {EPOLLOUT, {u32=18, u64=18}}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=100335}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getpid()                    = 10211
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=100472}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=100516}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, {ru_utime={tv_sec=1, tv_usec=97419}, ru_stime={tv_sec=0, tv_usec=100575}, ...}) = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4, [{EPOLLOUT, {u32=18, u64=18}}], 5, 479) = 1
[pid 10211] sendto(18, "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden\r\nServer: Synapse/1.48.0\r\nDate: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 11:04:02 GMT\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nCache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r"..., 407, 0, NULL, 0) = 407
[pid 10211] epoll_ctl(4, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 18, 0x7ffc6d662bb4) = 0
[pid 10211] shutdown(18, SHUT_RDWR)     = 0
[pid 10211] close(18)                   = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4, [], 4, 478)   = 0
[pid 10211] epoll_wait(4, ^Cstrace: Process 10211 detached
s0p4LiN commented 2 years ago

I found the issue... during my testing labs, I did a mistake and downloaded the wrong rest_auth python script

I installed the wrong one ! The bad one was the rest_auth of this project:

The one I needed was this one:

I can now login with AD users without any issue !

Big bad mistake of mine