Closed SofiaMedellin closed 2 years ago
Hi Sofia,
it seems that you need to install cmake first for bioacoustics to work:
This might also help:
Hello again,
thank you for your help in the end it worked. However, I've been struggling for a while with the "mp32wav" function: every time I need to convert more than 40 or 60 files (it's not always the same amount of files when it happens), it works until a certain percentage and then before it finishes, it immediately gives me "fatal error, R session aborted". Do you know what can I do to fix this?
Thank you again,
As you can see, It loaded until 36% and then it failed
That's weird. Looks like a memory issue. Are you using parallel computing (parallel > 1)? Do you have a extremely long recording? If so try excluding it to see how that goes.
I've been using WarbleR to download files from Xeno-canto and then convert them from mp3 to wav. Yesterday I had a message saying "R session Aborted. R encountered a fatal error. The session was terminated" after I ran the function "mp32wav", so I restarted my laptop, then I detached the package, installed it again like this:
_detach(package:warbleR, unload=TRUE) install.packages("devtools") devtools::installgithub("maRce10/warbleR") 1 Yes library(warbleR)
and it worked for a while. However, today I had exactly the same problem. I downloaded the files, then, when I was trying to convert them, it gave me the "R session aborted" so I continued to do exactly the same but this time it did not work. Then, it gave me this error:
_configure: error: Could not find cmake ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘bioacoustics’
The downloaded source packages are in ‘/private/var/folders/wx/w6wgx2kx5j9dkh2191wtcm680000gn/T/RtmpaRIwUG/downloadedpackages’
And now, when I try to even load the package using library(warbleR), I get this error:
_Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘warbleR’ in get(method, envir = home): lazy-load database '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/library/warbleR/R/warbleR.rdb' is corrupt In addition: Warning message: In get(method, envir = home) : internal error -3 in Rdecompress1
Is there anything else I can do? Thank you for reading,