maZahaca / sonata-admin-tree-bundle

This bundle integrates jsTree and Gedmo Nested Set directly to Sonata Admin
MIT License
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Variable "base_template" does not exist. #9

Open TaPTaK opened 7 years ago

TaPTaK commented 7 years ago

Twig_Error_Runtime in vendor\redcode\tree-bundle\RedCode\TreeBundle\Resources\views\CRUD\tree.html.twig (line 1) {% extends base_template %}

TaPTaK commented 7 years ago

downgrade sonata admin bundle to 3.23 version fix this bug... but what to do with latest updates?

maZahaca commented 7 years ago

Hi, Can you share you package.json to reproduce this issue?

TaPTaK commented 7 years ago it's with downgraded sonata

TaPTaK commented 7 years ago

i see this error "Variable "base_template" does not exist" in sonata issues... there is something with sonata crud controller "render" method... yesterday was something merged, today it was reverted...

maZahaca commented 6 years ago

Ok, I'm going to try the latest Sonata and release new version soon

TaPTaK commented 6 years ago

Thanks can you add some confirmation alert when push "delete" button in tree view?