maakbaas / esp8266-iot-framework

Framework for IoT projects implementing HTTPS requests, a React web interface, WiFi manager, live dashboard, configuration manager, file manager and OTA updates.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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configuration won't 'stick' #76

Closed arjena closed 3 years ago

arjena commented 3 years ago

This might be clearly a beginners question, but when I run 'configManagerExample' from the examples folder it compiles fine and I get the values from the given configuration.json file. But when I change values in this file they don't show in the rendered page. That is some changes do and some don't. When I change the labels names I see the changes. These are hard-coded in the generated html file, so no surprise. But when I change the values (like the project name) both Safari and Chrome show the 'old' values. But it gets stranger... When I first erase the esp before uploading the new binary it shows up as an AP with the name I put in the json. But when I go to the page it show my given values during the rendering of the page (fraction of a second, but clearly there) and then all values revert to the values in the original configuration.json. Except for the value of "Dummy Int', that keeps the value I give it before building the project. config.cpp (in the generated folder inside .pio/.../src) show my values. I emptied caches, tried different computers, all do the same thing so it is not likely to be a cache problem. (Also I am not abel to compile the dashboard example. Only mention that because it might be related, but if I'm still not able to compile after a couple of days more Googling and hair-pulling I'll open a different issue for that.)

This is my platformio.ini: [env:nodemcuv2] platform = espressif8266 board = nodemcuv2 framework = arduino upload_speed = 230400 monitor_speed = 115200 lib_deps = ESP8266 IoT Framework build_flags = -DCONFIG_PATH=configuration.json -DREBUILD_CONFIG -DREBUILD_HTML

Let me know if there is any information you need from me.

arjena commented 3 years ago

Oops... feel really stupid now. I was working with the Dashboard example (still cannot get that one to compile) so long that when I switched back to the configuration example I forgot to comment out 'method 2'. So the above is the result of my own stupidity... Is there any way to remove this post :-( ?