try using fish as your shell, then run img2ponysay and you cannot run due to:
Failed to execute process '/usr/bin/img2ponysay'. Reason:
exec: Formato de ejecutable incorrecto
The file 'ls' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.
a workaround is runing bash -c 'img2ponysay --help'
probably is due to the FAR diference in fish and POSIX complain shells
and I think that a shebang can probably solbe the problem
try using fish as your shell, then run img2ponysay and you cannot run due to: Failed to execute process '/usr/bin/img2ponysay'. Reason: exec: Formato de ejecutable incorrecto The file 'ls' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.
a workaround is runing bash -c 'img2ponysay --help'
probably is due to the FAR diference in fish and POSIX complain shells
and I think that a shebang can probably solbe the problem
PD: I not test others app from the util-say suite