maarten-pennings / Lego-Mindstorms

Hints, tips, and tricks for the LEGO Mindstorms products (RCX, NXT, EV3, Robot Inventor).
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Info: Spike with µPIDE #4

Closed harbaum closed 2 years ago

harbaum commented 2 years ago

You describe how to use the right COM port and a terminal program. That's totally fine. But a way easier solution ist to run an IDE like µPIDE.

It works out of the box with the spike. It's auto detected (no com port fiddling) and you can browse the spikes file system, up- and download files and use REPL.

maarten-pennings commented 2 years ago

Hi, I just gave it a try. My Lego Robot Inventor Hub was connected via USB, and switched on. It was shown as COM3 in device manager. But uPIDE didn't find it. What should I do?


maarten-pennings commented 2 years ago

I think uPIDE was already running in a small window behind my browser, preventing the second one to reach the COM port. Thanks. I will give it a try (and I added it to the FAQ).

harbaum commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I sometimes also have this effect that the window opens behind other windows. That only happens under Windows and I have yet to see a pattern for how and when this happens.