maartenba / MvcSiteMapProvider

An ASP.NET MVC SiteMapProvider implementation for the ASP.NET MVC framework.
Microsoft Public License
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MvcSitemapProvider v4 #119

Closed maartenba closed 11 years ago

maartenba commented 11 years ago

As it's been a while since ASP.NET MVC 4 is out and seeing that ASP.NET Web API dropped dependencies on System.Web, I'm kind of looking at evolving MvcSitemapProvider in that direction too...

vNext would:

That's the technical side. What about features? I would love to hear what you are using today, what you would not want to miss, what's currently missing, anything!

waynebrantley commented 11 years ago

Not sure what it will get us by dropping those dependencies, but hey if you can do it - would be great. Adding the dependency injection would be great. Nuget split packages would help a bunch

Features: Implement an httpmodule that can be plugged in for development with url of sitemaps.axd. That would give a full diagnostic view of the tree and relationships. Scan for dynamic node implementations?

I think more than features, there are many bugs/issues:

Memory leak issues - Documentation missing many features and solutions Potential default implementation changes - Order of menu items defined in code in relation to the xml file - Some way to specify visibility (and other custom attributes) on the SiteMapNode attribute Event not firing -

My latest code changes you just accepted fix this, so it should be closed:

Many 'issues' open that should be closed - but I think you are only one with rights to get these cleaned up. In general, just more activity and reviving of this great project! :-)

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Here is my wish list:

  1. Dependency injection should be able to be done with any DI container (or at the very least all those that support property setter injection - sometimes there is no other good way except using setters).
  2. Dependency injection should support both IDependencyResolver and (more appropriately) IControllerFactory. IDependencyResolver, while being the official Microsoft sanctioned way of doing DI in MVC, uses the service locator anti-pattern. See the book Dependency Injection in .NET p.207 for details. Of course, if neither are used and a custom solution made it would also work.
  3. Dependency injection should be able to provide all configuration so it is not read directly from the config file.
  4. Move the logic about loading nodes from external dlls outside of the main class. It looks like an assumption was made about plugins being part of the current AppDomain, which isn't the case when using MEF or other DI containers to create plugins. Perhaps it would be better just to make an extensibility point for plugins rather than providing an implementation.
  5. Support for getting the entire node tree from the Business Logic Layer (instead of a file) so it, in turn, can load from other sources (such as a database or a Lucene.NET index). Of course, doing this can also make the plugins the responsibility of the BLL (where it should be).
  6. Multi-tenant support. Each tenant should be able to load, cache, and invalidate the cache for its own site structure individually.
  7. Support for multiple paths to the same page. I did this with the standard ASP.NET sitemaps implementation using a combination of a user session variable that was set on page get and a different XML file for each path (maintenance nightmare). It worked, but I would like to find a more maintainable way.
  8. Unit tests. When there is no documentation, these can be the next best thing. Not to mention, they make the code easier to change without causing negative effects.

That said, I am not willing to wait until you get around to it to make a version I can use. I'd be happy to contribute what I come up with back into this project if there are no objections.

I was actually looking into creating another sitemap provider to implement the fuctionality so I can reuse the UI and sitemaps XML functionality that is already here, but based on your comments about dropping the dependency on System.Web perhaps it would be best to start off with some kind of Sitemap Loader interface to handle the starting point where the provider would normally go? I am open to suggestions.

Of course, I could just make a standard SiteMap provider that is just a shell that delegates its work to other injected classes and then later the SiteMap provider can be dropped without having a huge impact on the rest of the project.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

I’m working on some initial bits for vNext, if you want I’ll post them on a separate brancg.

The idea there is to:

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Sure, I'd like to see the latest and greatest. Thanks.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

See branch "v4". Do note that this is very much work in progress and that no final product (nor working application) is in there. It does give you some pointers of where I'm heading.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

I took a look and had a few thoughts/questions:

My hope is to introduce a couple of seams into the provider 1.) to allow the tree (or a tree provider) to be injected by the host application and 2) to allow the configuration options to be injected by the host application. Naturally, it makes sense for them to both default to loading from the Mvc.sitemap file and the web.config file, respectively. It also looks like it makes sense to have a dynamic node provider (seam) that defaults to an assembly scanner.

It looks like you created an interface named ISiteMapSource that would work great for the tree injection, but there is no way to inject a custom provider other than through the config file.

I realize this is just prototyping, but what was the reasoning of using the ASP.NET sitemap provider as a base? That is what I had in mind as well until you mentioned you might do otherwise.

Pros: ASP.NET sitemap provider provides a clean seperation between the "data access" code and the presentation logic. ASP.NET sitemap provider is an interface that many other developers are familliar with.

Cons: YAGNI - ASP.NET sitemap provider technically doesn't need to be there. ASP.NET sitemap provider is somewhat difficult to inject dependencies into. It could be overcome by using property setter injection or by raising events to provide dependencies (for those who have not yet entered the DI world).

Personally, I have no preference if the ASP.NET provider stays or goes, but clearly the project needs to go in a different direction if the provider is not used.

Finally, how much time do you have to dedicate to this project? The reason I ask is I could either start working with this full time now or circle back around after about 3 weeks of working on other bits of my app and join in when you have more of a base to work with. Of course, if this project doesn't change much in that timeframe it doesn't make much sense for me to wait.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

I was thinking of building the provider in 3 stages.

  1. At application start, build an in-memory sitemap that contains all nodes based on ISiteMapSource 1.1. Create list of nodes 1.2. Allow for a visitor class to run over all nodes, for restructuring the sitemap or optimizing nodes 1.3. Store this in an application-wide cache
  2. For every request, clone the original sitemap containing only appropriate nodes (which are accessible and so on)
  3. Map this to a traditional sitemap tree which uses the ASP.NET provider model

That last stage is of concern to me: drop it or not? I would like to drop it but this breaks anything out there that uses sitemaps as the data source.

I'll be traveling the next weeks so time will be limited, feel free to do some prototyping already. Earlier feedback is better imho :-)

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Agreed. Dropping the provider trashes any chance for a smooth upgrade. But then, it could also make the library easier to work with for newcomers.

Looks like we are pretty much on the same page.

  1. I was thinking instead to make this step lazy-loading rather than at application start. 1.1. Agreed - except it would be nice if an alternate implementation could be provided. 1.2. Not sure if I totally understand this step - is it a replacement for the "dynamic nodes" in the current library? 1.3. Agreed - also makes sense to allow an alternate implementation as many applications have a centralized caching manager they would want to take advantage of.
  2. This might be where multiple paths to the same page can be implemented. It definitely can be used to create alternate menus that follow a different structure than the main menu.

Just so you understand my end game, I am planning to make an end-user drag and drop tree interface that can be used to create/rearrange the site structure. There is a fully-functional sample of exactly what I would like to achieve here: Have a look at the v3 administration interface and go to Pages > Administration from the menu. The pane on the left allows for creating and moving of pages. All changes are reflected in the main menu of the site and the site map path.

Note the following:

The tree isn't simply translated, there is a separate tree structure for each language.

Anyway, I will get started working on a prototype. For now, I will assume the provider will stay, but my provider implementation will just be a shell that can be removed without too much trouble. I will try to carry forward your ideas, but my main focus will be in creating an implementation that can be easily integrated with a custom business layer and by extension, a custom data source.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

On 1.2: that's just a step which allows you to plug in between tree creation and tree usage.I was thinking to allow things like node optimization (e.g. for some nodes the url can be made static for all requests instead of having to resolve it all the time). It also allows you to restructure some things, or replace the entire tree with another one. Look at it as the last chance to do anything with the tree that applies to all requests from then on.

But yes, seems we're on the same page. Looking forward to some prototypes!

On a side note: I'm planning on keeping the current SiteMapXmlSiteMapSource to have at least some backward compatibility. Other than that feel free to cut the cords with the ASP.NET provider model.

waynebrantley commented 11 years ago

I do not see any real problem with dropping ASP.NET provider model support. The only things that used it were webforms based anyway.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago


I am pursuing the path of dropping support for the ASP.NET provider. This turned out to be a pretty deep rabbit hole of rooting out necessary bits from the .NET framework, but it is clear that to gain control over the lifetime of the in-memory sitemap structure it is easier if it is not part of the provider.

The next step is to try to make what I have function the same way it did before by delegating calls from an actual provider. However, although I have a fairly good idea what the dynamic nodes and assembly based (reflection) nodes are for at this point, there doesn't seem to be any samples for the reflection based nodes in the project and the samples provided for dynamic nodes are very basic. Do you have a working demo project you can provide so I can see how this works?

I still have a fair amount of refactoring to do after getting the code functional, but once I have working code, keeping it in a working state should be much easier.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

Nothing I can share. The reflection basednodes can be created using one of the [MvcSiteMapNode] attributes, important is to specify their ParentKey property to build the tree structure. Dynamic node providers are in the MvcMusicStore sample, although they indeed are pretty basic. In theory you can add child nodes to the nodes generated there and so on.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Yesterday, I finally got this to a point where it is functioning without using the ASP.NET provider. I ended up dropping the ASP.NET provider altogether because it was just getting in the way of seeing the big picture. A compatibility layer (builder) can still be added to load the data from an alternate source (such as an ASP.NET sitemaps provider) if needed. If you are interested in having a look, the latest can be found here:, though it isn't very pretty at this point, is poorly documented, and the localization code isn't yet fully implemented so nothing shows up for localized nodes.

My vision is to have an object graph of smart business objects whose purpose is to maintain the hierarchial relationships between nodes. The outside world should have no direct access to this data - it should only have access to methods and properties that all go through the business logic layer within (or injected into) the object graph. If you are familliar with the CSLA framework, this is sort of what I have in mind for managing the behavior associated with the tree structure itself (without the dependeny on CSLA, that is). Here is an overview of these objects.

SiteMap - Replaces SiteMapProvider and is essentially the root object of the graph. SiteMapNode - Replaces the original SiteMapNode in System.Web. SiteMapNodeCollection - Replaces the original SiteMapNodeCollection in System.Web. SiteMapNode has other child objects (such as Attributes, RouteValues, etc) that do not yet have their own implementations, but probably will have.

As for the rest of the code, I envision a set of services whose default implementation can easily be swapped by a custom one by simply creating an implementation and then changing the DI configuration to inject them. This will allow for a wide variety of use cases.

As it turns out in a multi-tenant application, deciding when a request should belong to one tenant vs another is an application-specific thing. Therefore, the logic of when a new sitemap should be built and cached needs to be easily overridable by the application. I made a SiteMapLoader to handle this task, but as it stands it is still broken because it allows the UI to override the "current" sitemap in some cases but not others. It also doesn't have a very robust way to map a specific SiteMapBuilderSet named configuration to a given request. This is something I will address shortly.


Now some decisions need to be made to shape the direction from here. Some things jumped out at me as being unusual, but it is difficult to tell exactly what the underlying reasons for their being are. Other things just need to be put out there for discussion.

  1. In the DefaultSiteMapProvider, there is a method called NodeMatchesRoute. This method first determines whether the route matches the RouteValues, then determines whether the route matches the Attributes of the same node. I checked and couldn't seem to find the place where the route values were actually being supplied to the Attributes, but being that I have working code without these values being supplied, I am wondering if there is really any point to making the comparison with Attributes or if there is some hidden underlying reason why the route values need to also be in the Attributes collection? If not, this comparison logic could be made much simpler.
  2. I ended up flattening the hierarchy of XSiteMapNode, XRouteSiteMapNode, and XMvcSiteMapNode because these classes didn't appear to provide any value other than syntactic sugar. Is there some underlying reason why these were broken up this way? I am starting to see patterns of other ways the node class can be broken up (such as a class that does request caching of certain methods and cascades the calls to the rest to the underlying implementation, but maybe there is some value to your model I have overlooked.
  3. The provider models could be configured in the XML file in a hierarchy (originally, I had assumed the only way to configure them was in a list). There is a ParentProvider property that provides access to the parent, and the GetParentNode() method makes a call to the property when it reaches the top of its hierarhy, but other than that there is no implementation of this feature. However, the XmlRolesAclModule makes a call to provider.ParentProvider. I was unable to work out exactly why this call was here and what should be done in its place (if anything).
  4. The AddNode() method from the DefaultSiteMapProvider first makes a call to FindSiteMapNode() and then RemoveNode(). I tried taking these out to see what happened and it crashed when I tried to add dynamic nodes to the structure. Do you have more information about this issue that could perhaps be used to move this fix to a more appropriate place?
  5. Microsoft's original implementation of SiteMapNode has a locking mechanism to make the objects read-only after they have been loaded. This was only implemented by XmlSiteMapProvider (which this project has no reference to). I am thinking about going in this direction because I can't think of any reason why the presentation/UI code should need to modify any properties of a SiteMapNode (in fact, changing them in many cases can have disasterous consequences). Is there any specfic reason you can think of why leaving the properties writeable after they have been loaded may be necessary?
  6. Dividing into multiple DLLs. My first thought was - not another dependency! But I have come around to look at this in a different way. An application may want to implement providers and/or other interfaces or even inherit classes from within the application's business layer, and setting a reference to a DLL that references System.Web.Mvc means the business layer will have an indirect dependency on a presentation technology (yuck!). So I am seeing that a small part of the code should go into a shared library of some sort that is referenced by a separete presentation DLL within this solution. Clearly the ISiteMapBuilder and IDynamicNodeBuilder classes belong in this business DLL. Calling it "core" implies that it does more than it should though - essentially we just want to make a safe DLL to reference without indirectly referenecing the presentation layer. However, most of the code should probably end up in the presentation DLL because MvcSiteMapProvider is for the most part a presentation technology that should sit above any application's business layer.
  7. Before you stated for the Visitor stage "for some nodes the url can be made static for all requests instead of having to resolve it all the time". You made it sound as if most nodes MUST be URL resolved all of the time. I am now seeing the value in making a Visitor stage, primarily to resolve the URLs before caching. But I am wondering what cases you would NOT want to resolve them before caching and what cases you would wait until later?
  8. On the other hand, I don't see the value of restructuring the node tree using the visitor stage. What would be the point of a builder class structuring nodes one way just to have a visitor class change it in a different way? I say if you need a different structure, just provide your own builder that can build that structure right the first time. In fact, I am thinking that the code that drives the visitor should just be a hard-coded recursive loop over the node tree that fires an Execute() method and supplies the current node as a parameter.

As for referencing IDependencyResolver, I just didn't see any need. Using constructor injection, all dependencies can be provided by the DI container directly, and doing so gives the DI container control over the lifetime of the objects. This has a distinct advantage here - if we have a project with 10,000 nodes and we want to inject a UrlResolver service into those nodes that contains custom logic, nothing is gained (but a lot of memory and/or CPU cycles lost) by creating 10,000 UrlResolver service instances using IDependencyResolver. On the other hand, using the DI container to supply these dependencies can ensure that only 1 instance is ever created regardless of how many nodes use it.

To support cases where no DI container is used, I plan on making a basic object composer to do so that contains the logical defaults. It would read configuration values from specific AppSettings keys and use them to configure similar options to what are available now. It would just require a single line of code to be placed in the Application_Start method, such as Composer.Compose(). That said, I don't plan to spend that much time on this because it is not something I will need. A lot could be done here - custom configuration section for MvcSiteMapProvider, configuration for custom implementations of interfaces put into the config file, etc. However, being that this class would be totally replaced if a DI container were in use, you may want to encourage developers to use DI if they have a pressing need to override an implementation with another. Alternatively, this could be built out into an effective way to configure MvcSiteMapProvider without using a DI container.

Ok, that turned out to be very long-winded. The sooner I get feedback on these points, the more likely the feedback is to influence the direction I go. Thanks.

waynebrantley commented 11 years ago

One other issue I that many times I can have the same sitemap node in several different trees. Imagine a simple example where you had the same menu item in two different areas. This makes sort of a 'circular' structure. Wonder if that can be part of this new design?

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago


Is this different that "Multiple paths to the same node" I have in my wish list above? This sounds like a similar scenario, or at least the way you describe it as "same sitemap node in many trees" sounds like the same solution I came up with before - creating multiple XML files and using session state to track the current one, overriding it to the "default" if anything but a certain set of pages were requested next chronologically.

In short, my solution was to fix an issue with a many-to-many relationship between categories and products where one product could belong to many different categories.

I plan to address this, but not until after a few more rounds of refactoring. I haven't thought of a way to do it without using some kind of user session based tracking, though. Well, there is using the URL querystring to track the path, but that is not SEO friendly at all and is not a path I plan to take. Let me know if you have any other ideas as to how this could be implemented. The main issue at hand is how to tell which path you are at in the map if a node is requested that exists in 2 different places?

I guess another possible solution to this would be to actually put the same exact product on multiple unique URLs. This would force the burden of properly using the canonical meta tag onto the developer, but since this is something that is supported by both Google and Bing already this could potentially be a solution.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Wow - the light bulb just came on. I never really considered making the canonical meta tag generation a part of the sitemap, but now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense to make a "CanonicalHelper" in the same way the "TitleHelper" works.

waynebrantley commented 11 years ago

@NightOwl888 - yes that is what is needed....a many to many relationship would be great. When it exists in two places and you need to 'find' where you are in the sitemap, I was thinking they would have a priority - so the FIRST item in the many-many relationship would be the one that it is in. So for your example if a product was in categoryA and categoryB...and you went to the product would show categoryA as the parent - if category A was the 'first' link in the many-many relationship.....This could of course be an injected piece of code where users could decide some other logic based on their specific requirements.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

@waynebrantley - lets think about a side effect of that for a minute. If I were a customer browsing your site and first navigated to categoryB, the sitemap path would be something like "Home > CategoryB". Now I choose the product (lets just call it Product1) from the categoryB page. When the product page were displayed, it would show the sitemap path as "Home > CategoryA > Product1". It just jumped from categoryB to categoryA for no apparent reason.

To me it feels like this behavior is broken and it is likely to cause confusion to the user, would you agree? This is where I took a different path to solve the issue before, and ended up swapping different XML structures altogether, keeping track of the "current" one in session state.

2 other solutions I can think of:

  1. Make a similar solution that I came up with before by swapping structures according to the user's session. Before this had to be done by swapping providers, but now the semantics of when a different sitemap structure is used is controlled by the ISiteMapCacheKeyGenerator. Every time a unique Site Map Cache Key is made, a different sitemap structure is stored. I did this specifically to handle the case of multi-tenant sites. The building of the sitemap structure is controlled by a ISiteMapBuilderSet (which there can be multiple configured by the DI container), so we would build a structure that contains Product1 in categoryA in the first builder, the second builder would put Product1 in categoryB, and so on. The downside of this solution is the amount of effort it takes to maintain, as the number of separate structures you maintain for a single site could grow exponentially. In addition, the user's position would need to be kept track of in a stateful way. Also, the mapping relationship of SiteMapCacheKey to SiteMapBuilderSet would need to be maintined - naturally, there is now an interface where this can be done, too.
  2. Simply allow the product to exist on multiple URLs. I know, you are thinking this is really bad for SEO, and it is until you add a canonical meta tag to tell Google and Bing which URL is the primary one. This solution has the added benefit of being more user friendly - a web saavy user will know how to modify the URLs /CategoryA/Product1 and /CategoryB/Product1 to end up at CategoryA and CategoryB. I admit I haven't worked out all of the details of how this would work with MVC - I am betting there is a way to coerce the router somehow into resolving 1 URL vs another that maps to the same area, controller, router, and id. But it is easy to see how the nodes could be uniquely identified in this case, and no user state needs to be tracked. Not to mention, the site map path would work as the user expects. It is simply the most natural way I can think of to handle the many-to-many relationship case.

Anyway, as you can see I am leaning toward the second solution, but that isn't to say the first one can't be worked out as well. Some people probably wouldn't mind resorting to session state and swapping as long as the site had the exact semantics they wanted - that is, each product existing on exactly 1 URL. It is clearly more complicated that way, but as I said, I worked it out once before.

waynebrantley commented 11 years ago

Session state is not a realistic option in my opinion.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Well, stateful doesn't necessarily mean session state. Using a cache or a static member with a user-specific ID is one option or storing the state in a cookie is another. Of course, in the end they all use cookies to manage the user ID anyway. Realistically all that is needed is a short string identifier to track the ID of the cached sitemap the user last navigated to, so it would not be very expensive in terms of memory. A cookie might be a good fit in this case.

I am just trying to avoid storing extra information in the URL because that would be the kiss of death for SEO.

Viewstate is not an option because the information we need is lost going from page to page.

There is another option, but it is not very reliable in my experience - that is to use the URL referrer header to determine the last position the user navigated from rather than keeping it in state. Unfortunately, not all browsers reliably send this value and some may have different rules about whether to send it based on whether or not you are navigating within the same domain. It might be worth a shot, though - maybe there is a way to make it more reliable.

In your opinion, is the use of multiple URLs for the same product with a handy tool to manage the canonical tag on the extra URLs a realistic option?

waynebrantley commented 11 years ago

Yes, I think that is realistic.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

I would make it a small pluggable component. The idea with v3 was to use specify this scenario in your action method by fiddling with the sitemap structure directly although having it stored in a cookie by default seems more logical to me. (note "by default", would be great to be able to plug in one that runs on top of session state / database / whatever the developer prefers)

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Actually, after doing some research, it seems that the best approach would be a combination of the ideas I have been toying with. According to, a common approach to the problem is to simply tack on extra position info to the URL. In MVC terms, that would just be an extra parameter in the route.

This would normally be a problem for SEO. However, if there were also a way to manage the canonical tag using a similar component to the TitleHelper and a logical way to choose the primary one in the sitemap node/XML structure, then this wouldn't be so much of an issue. Essentially, this tool could be used to tell the search engines that the URL with the extra positioning info is equal to the URL without it, and then all the pieces fit, no state is necessary. Then it would not really matter if you want to use the same URL with different query string parameters or multiple URLs for the page - this choice can be made by the developer at whim.

One thing is pretty clear, the sitemap is a good place to manage the canonical tag data to make it virtually automatic. There is only 1 way to declare the canonical tag and this behavior is shared across all web sites.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago


I am now several rounds of refactoring in, but have still not tackled the fact that HttpContext being passed around as API parameters isn't a testable approach.

I see that Microsoft's answer was to create an abstract HttpContextBase with a similar interface, with the concrete type HttpContextWrapper to fill its shoes. However, I also noticed that there are not one, but 2 overridden HttpContextWrapper classes in this project - HttpContext2 and HttpContextMethodOverrider.

It appears as if the HttpContext2 implementation is supposed to cover the general case for MvcSiteMapProvider as it is used in every place in the project but one, is this a correct assumption?

However, the other implementation (along with its partner, HttpRequestMethodOverrider) is a bit of an enigma. It overrides the HttpMethod member of the request object, but only in the case where it is instantiated with an HttpMethod passed to its constructor (second parameter) that is not null. However, the only place it is used in the project, it is declared like this:

HttpContextBase httpContext = new HttpContextMethodOverrider(context, null);

So, in effect we have a general HttpContextWrapper class that is exactly the same as Microsoft's implementation. I know there must have been some reasoning behind this, but it wasn't left behind in the code. If you can explain this, please do.

Anyway, I am thinking about taking the route of creating an injected abstract factory that can both create a generic HttpContextWrapper and wrap it in one or both of the other layers if necessary (probably with a decorator pattern). However, both of these classes desperately need new names to clarify their intent. I am thinking about going with either MvcHttpContext or MvcSiteMapHttpContext for HttpContext2 (I am not sure which level it applies to or if it even covers the general case). It isn't clear whether the other one should just be swapped for HttpContextWrapper and scrapped or if there is some future use for it.

One more thing. Typing "new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current)" or similar every time we need it passed into the SiteMap API is not exactly brief or intuitive. So should the external interface be changed to HttpContextBase, or should there be a method that accepts HttpContext that calls a factory internally to wrap HttpContext and then cascades the call to a protected method that accepts HttpContextBase? I am leaning toward the first approach, as in my book less code is better and the primary user of this will be the UI layer in the same project so the non-intuitive API is not such a big deal.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

The HttpContext2 implementation covers one fix for a closed property in HttpContextWrapper so yes, that assumption is correct.

HttpContext2 provides us with the option of having a HttpRequest2 returned for the Request property, which in turn provides us with the possibility to implement our own AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath and CurrentExecutionFilePath properties, required for having UrlBuilder generate the correct URL for a given set of RouteData even when that set of RouteData is not active as the current requested URL.

The Overrider classes do something similar but good question, I think they can be merged with the 2 classes.

I think we should be using HttpContextWrapper everywhere but have it instantiated either on demand if some custom properties are required for some things, or via the IoC container which can provide us with new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current)


NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago
I think we should be using HttpContextWrapper everywhere but have it instantiated either on demand 
if some custom properties are required for some things, or via the IoC container which can provide us 
with new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current)

For a while I have been considering just removing HttpContext from the API altogether and passing it in as a constructor argument only to the classes that directly use it. However, there are some methods where the intent can be made less ambiguous if the parameter is included.

For example, I made a method that is used to create a sitemap cache key that is used to determine whether the current request should access a cached sitemap or store a new one. Without being passed HttpContext, it is difficult to understand how the method should be implemented.

Presently, there are only 3 methods each in the interfaces of ISiteMap and ISiteMapNode where HttpContext is explicitly passed in. Technically speaking, these could all be eliminated. In fact, neither of these classes use HttpContext directly - it is simply passed along to other services that use it. The question is, would Node.IsAccessibleToUser() be any less clear than Node.IsAccessibleToUser(HttpContextBase)? Or more properly, is there any realistic reason to pass in a different HttpContext than the current one?

For places where HttpContext.Current is grabbed out of thin air instead of being passed through the API as a parameter, I agree that it should be passed as a constructor argument that is injected by the DI container.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

It would not be less clear, both are viable imho

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago
// From ISiteMap
ISiteMapNode FindSiteMapNode(string rawUrl);
ISiteMapNode FindSiteMapNode(HttpContext context);
ISiteMapNode FindSiteMapNode(ControllerContext context);
ISiteMapNode FindSiteMapNodeFromKey(string key);
bool IsAccessibleToUser(HttpContext context, ISiteMapNode node);

One thing is for sure, FindSiteMapNode() with no parameter is ambiguous. I suppose in the spirit of things it could be renamed FindSiteMapNodeFromCurrentContext() to make it clear. Thoughts?

// From ISiteMapNode

RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext);
bool IsVisible(HttpContext context, IDictionary<string, object> sourceMetadata);
bool IsAccessibleToUser(HttpContext context);

GetRouteData() also seems like it might not make sense without context being passed in, or alternatively being renamed to GetRouteDataFromCurrentContext(). I also discovered that this method uses the context parameter directly internally. It matches the signature of the GetRouteData() method from RouteTable.Routes. Should probably leave that one alone, as it already uses HttpContextBase.

However, it looks like the other methods still make perfect sense without the extra fluff. On the other hand, I have this sinking feeling that Microsoft had some master plan that I am not aware of and there was some better reason for those context parameters being passed than you or I can come up with in a few minutes.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

Their main idea was to move from System.Web to System.Web.Abstractions to make things testable. No idea for all the passing around though :)

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

The only thing I can come up with is continuity. Without the parameter, there would be no way for the presentation or UI layers to choose the specific context to pass along to the service that uses it. Using DI, a strategy pattern or similar could be used to choose a configured context object, but it would still require a parameter to choose a unique instance.

That said, there are a few methods and properties (from Microsoft) that simply grab HttpContext.Current out of the air and don't give the UI layer a choice. Specifically, they all call IsAccessibleToUser(). I think that one (or 2, rather) is safe to change.

IsVisible cascades the call to the visibility provider. That one is safe to change, I think - assuming nobody would ever want to pass anything other than HttpContext.Current.

The only one up in the air is FindSiteMapNode(HttpContext). It just doesn't feel right calling a Find() method without passing any criteria. I think renaming it might make it OK as long as the name is clear where the criteria is coming from. I guess if anyone screamed that they need a way to pass a different context, an additional method could be added to the interface later.

Naming Conventions

Speaking of names, I was also thinking that it might be a better choice in the DI world to name the "Default" concrete class according to the conventions that many DI containers use. For example, with StructureMap nothing extra needs to be configured if you have an interface named ISomething and a class named Something - the container already knows implicitly which one is the default.

Using a naming convention where all of the default concrete instances is prefixed with "Default" is supported, but requires extra configuration. Naming the default instance after the interface is supported out of the box, and from what I have read, some other DI containers do this as well.


maartenba commented 11 years ago

Okay with that. ISiteMapProvider – SiteMapProvider is most logical I think.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Well, I've dropped the "Provider" suffix because it no longer implements the provider pattern, but you get the idea. :)

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago


I found an inconsistency that I am not sure is intentional:

// From DefaultSiteMapProvider
// Fetch route data
 var httpContext = new HttpContext2(context);
if (routeData != null)
    RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(httpContext, routeData);
    VirtualPathData vpd = routeData.Route.GetVirtualPath(requestContext, routeData.Values);
    string appPathPrefix = (requestContext.HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath
                    ?? string.Empty).TrimEnd('/') + "/";
    node = base.FindSiteMapNode(httpContext.Request.Path) as MvcSiteMapNode;

// More stuff here...
// From DefaultSiteMapNodeUrlResolver

if (HttpContext.Current.Items[UrlHelperCacheKey] == null)
    RequestContext ctx;
    if (HttpContext.Current.Handler is MvcHandler)
        ctx = ((MvcHandler)HttpContext.Current.Handler).RequestContext;
        ctx = new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current), new RouteData());

    HttpContext.Current.Items[UrlHelperCacheKey] = new UrlHelper(ctx);
return (UrlHelper)HttpContext.Current.Items[UrlHelperCacheKey];

If you draw your attention to the RequestContext creation, it is simply created directly in DefaultSiteMapProvider, but in DefaultSiteMapNodeUrlResolver, it is preferred to get the current MvcHandler.RequestContext if it exists.

What I am wondering is if this should be consistent every time a RequestContext is required and if so, which of these methods is the correct way of retrieving it?

Note that AuthorizeAttributeAclModule also uses the same approach as DefaultSiteMapProvider.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

Not sure why we did that. Perhaps history on reveals something?

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Well, I ended up just leaving it as is because it is the safest route (although I changed the new RequestContext to be created by a factory instead of newing up directly).

FYI - I have implemented the Visitor stage. I ended up reusing the ISiteMapBuilder interface that was already there, so the recursive loop happens in VisitingSiteMapBuilder and then it calls the Execute() method on ISiteMapNodeVisitor, who can do anything it wants with the node. Although the only working visitor that is included is UrlResolvingSiteMapNodeVisitor, I have also included a CompositeSiteMapNodeVisitor so they can be configured in a chain.

You can check out the latest here:

If you have a look, let me know if you find anything in the wrong namespace. I tried to fix that today, but I may have overlooked or misinterpreted something.

Note that securityTrimmingEnabled is now an attribute on the Sitemap XML file, and the Global.asax in the demo is intentionally blown out of proportion as a reminder to myself of what needs to be implemented in the default poor man's DI container that will ship with this project.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago



New Features Implemented:

  1. Visitor pattern for optimizing nodes (rearranging nodes, if so desired, can be done by providing a custom ISiteMapBuilder).
  2. CanonicalHelper accessed through the CanonicalTag() extension method of MvcSiteMap().
  3. MetaRobotsHelper accessed through the MetaRobotsTag() extension method of MvcSiteMap().
  4. Improved caching model with support for cache dependencies (using any caching technology, although the default is using ASP.NET caching) and a fix for removing the circular dependencies of the SiteMap so it can be GC'd when removed from the cache.
  5. XML validator that can be used to check the .sitemap file against the XSD - this can be configured to run during application startup.

I also updated the documentation so (almost) every class at least has a sentence or two to describe what it does (at least for the classes that I know!).

Anyway, working out the cache helped make it clear why Microsoft had code to lock all of the properties so they couldn't be changed. This was so the cached copy wouldn't get inadvertently altered by one request which would show up in all of the other requests.

That said, I found something that is broken - the SiteMapTitleAttribute. This class uses the Title attribute of a SiteMapNode to temporarily override the Title for a specific request. However, since it is altering the cached copy it is changing it for all other requests. Even worse, if the cache gets refreshed between the method that stores the original value and the one that sets the Title back to the original value, it could overwrite the title with something that is out of date.

I think I now know where you were going with the whole clone-per-request idea (a direction I haven't gone) - it could make a writable copy of the SiteMap that is only valid for the current request, but that seems like it might cause a lot of extra overhead for what will likely be rarely used features.


The Road Ahead

I am now working on a prototype of a complex e-commerce application to be used as a proof of concept that all of the features are implemented in the MvcSiteMapProvider to support the project I am working on (or to put them in if they are still missing). The idea is to make something that is organized more like a real-world e-commerce application than anything Microsoft has come up with.

Planned Features:

  1. Localized versions of the same page that follow the URL conventions outlined by Google.
  2. Multi-store - each store on a different domain.
  3. Unique SiteMap per culture/store combination.
  4. Multiple categories per product, with each product/category combo having a unique URL. The SEO aspect will be handled by the automated canonical tag in MvcSiteMapProvider.
  5. Custom database-driven routes.
maartenba commented 11 years ago

I think we do need one writable tree for every request, for example when using SIteMapTitleAttribute. I personally use it all the time. Perhaps we can have a clone only when a write to a node is done after initialization? Or even have a clone per request (which would add more overhead if you are not using any of the attributes).

Looking forward to the sample app.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Is there really any real reason to make properties writable other than Title? Writing to some of them could cause other problems.

I just came up with another idea that would work. The top layer of the inheritance tree is a RequestCacheableSiteMapNode. I could simply make that layer store the title for the current request in the request cache if the sitemap is read-only (which indicates the caller is the presentation layer) and read it back from the request cache in the case where the value exists, otherwise cascade the call to the base class.

The only issue with this I see is that if someone were to override SiteMapNode, they would likely want to bypass the RequestCacheableSiteMapNode and inherit from its base class so their logic is not based on a request-cached copy of the base. But then, they would probably want to re-implement the request caching anyway as it helps performance a lot, so they would likely copy this logic into their own class.

I tried to use a decorator pattern so these layers could be arranged in any order and new ones inserted, but this turned out to be not viable because of cross-method calls and passing references to the current object (which is a couple of layers down from the outside layer). It was very brittle. Also, the inheritance model is much more intuitive.

Anyway, I am not opposed to the idea of making a writable tree if there are other good reasons for it existing.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

Good point. I guess it would make sense but we’d have to seal the sitemap node if we go that route (and I guess people will be upset about that).

We can use RequestCacheableSiteMapNode to store the title, and put the responsibility of being compatible with it with the developer overriding SiteMapNode. Another would be to have a visitor pattern running right before the view gets rendered which updates the title for that request.

On a side note, I’ve been doing custom route value overriding as well…

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Hmm... do you mean sealing the RequestCacheableSiteMapNode? Actually, that might make sense because inheriting from it might cause seemingly random issues to show up from getting using a cached copy instead of calling the underlying logic. If that is not what you meant, I am not sure I understand your reasoning.

Inheritance tree for SiteMapNode:

SiteMapNodeSecurityBase SiteMapNodePositioningBase SiteMapNode LockableSiteMapNode RequestCacheableSiteMapNode

Inheritance tree for SiteMap:

SiteMap LockableSiteMap RequestCacheableSiteMap

Actually, allowing such custom action filter attribute classes to created that write properties on RequestCacheableSiteMapNode might be a good idea. Potentially writable properties for SiteMapNode:

ParentNode-- Title++ Description++ TargetFrame++ ImageUrl++ LastModifiedDate ChangeFrequency UpdatePriority VisibilityProvider++ DynamicNodeProvider-- Clickable++ UrlResolver++ Url-- CacheResolvedUrl-- CanonicalUrl++ CanonicalKey++ Route Area Controller Action

I have marked all of the writable properties I think might be a good idea with ++ and the ones I think would be a bad idea with --. I am not sure about the rest, and value your opinion. Keep in mind that all of the values written would simply be written to the request cache and would not affect the underlying values.

The RequestCacheableSiteMapNode was originally meant to make certain expensive read-only values stay in the request cache so multiple calls during the same request would not have to use the expensive logic again, but making writable values from the presentation layer doesn't really invalidate its purpose, which is to store values in the request cache.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

I think these may make sense:

ParentNode-- Title++ Description++ TargetFrame++ ImageUrl++ LastModifiedDate ChangeFrequency UpdatePriority VisibilityProvider++ DynamicNodeProvider-- Clickable++ UrlResolver++ Url-- CacheResolvedUrl-- CanonicalUrl++ CanonicalKey++ Route++ Area Controller Action

Added Route in there, since it sometimes makes sense. Take the following sitemap:

o Category

Imagine I do not want to build a dynamic node provider but still be able to set the product category id from the product page.I’d want to do that in the Route.

Or shall we guide people to use a dynamic node provider anyway?

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

I think building the node provider should be the preferred choice. All the same, the more consistent with making things request-writable, the better.

Any non-writable properties will get an exception (thrown by LockableSiteMapNode) indicating it as such.

What about the other properties?

maartenba commented 11 years ago

The list you gave makes perfect sense. We can always open up more later if it proves needed.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Ok, that was straightforward, but I discovered yet another culprit that writes to the node - SiteMapPreserveRouteDataAttribute. Since it writes to the RouteValues collection (exposed through a read-only property, which is why it wasn't on my list before) it is not as straightforward to fix.

Basically, it looks like I would need to implement a whole new request-cacheable collection that knows how to switch to an alternate request-cached source than what is provided by its base class (I think, anyway). RouteValueCollection is based on an ObservableDictionary, but that doesn't throw events until after it has already changed - a bit too late in this case.

Based on the note at the top indicating that it cannot be used in conjunction with dynamic node providers, I have to ask - is it worth salvaging?

maartenba commented 11 years ago

If we only support dynamic node providers we don’t need it. But maybe we should have it in the design in case requests for it pop up.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

I was looking at the LockableDictionary class and thought of a way to make a new dictionary class copy the dictionary values into a new internal dictionary and store it in the request cache and then retrieve it upon each subsequent request, similarly to how the other properties do it. Well, I haven't worked out how to generate a key that can be used to get the value back for the specific node..., but I think I can do that.

I did run into another snag though. The dictionary is declared as --string, object--. There would be a problem if the dictionary contained a reference type because the request cache would simply point to the same object that is in the real cache.

Oddly, looking at the comparison logic, it is converting everything to string anyway. Is there any reason why it couldn't be declared as --string, string--? Keep in mind, it is read-only to preserve encapsulation, so it can't simply be assigned a --string, object-- dictionary from somewhere else in the framework - it would have to be iterated in which case it could also be converted.

maartenba commented 11 years ago

Converting to string can be done for sure.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

In the end, converting from object to string wasn't necessary. There is a CopyTo() method that I reused that already throws an exception if a reference type is detected.

However, creating a dictionary that would work was no easy task (I'll send you the bill :)). I ended up making it a base class named RequestCacheableDictionary that could be inherited by the specialized dictionaries - I know, it is totally inconsistent with the rest of the framework. Since read and write operations each had unique behavior, I ended up creating 2 different properties - ReadOperationDictionary and WriteOperationDictionary which return the correct reference to either the cache or the base class. I also added an inheritable boolean property that can switch off request caching entirely, so turning it off or changing the way it is done from an inherited class can be done without too much trouble.

Making any of these other lists or dictionaries request writable wouldn't be too much trouble now, so if there is a use for it, speak up!

ISiteMapNodeCollection ChildNodes { get; } - Bad idea IAttributeCollection Attributes { get; } IRoleCollection Roles { get; } IMetaRobotsValueCollection MetaRobotsValues { get; } IRouteValueCollection RouteValues { get; } - Already done IPreservedRouteParameterCollection PreservedRouteParameters { get; }

maartenba commented 11 years ago

Guessing maybe attributes would make sense, so from the controller we can add something like a "promotion=true" attribute ad random which puts a product in an ecommerce app in "promotion mode" when being rendered on the view. Not seeing much use for the others.

NightOwl888 commented 11 years ago

Well, it might make sense to make an an action filter attribute that changes the meta robots values in case you wanted to write them from the presentation layer.

I'll add those 2 in case they are needed.