maartenba / MvcSiteMapProvider

An ASP.NET MVC SiteMapProvider implementation for the ASP.NET MVC framework.
Microsoft Public License
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locking the visual studio debug #421

Open hbdbim opened 8 years ago

hbdbim commented 8 years ago

Debug visual studio (2015) not launches when re-compile the application.

1) Start debug (F5) 2) Stop debug (shift + f5) 3) Rebuild (ctrl + shift + b) 4) Application does not respond any more.

I removed the MvcSiteMapProvider and everything returns to normal. Does anyone have any ideas?

sorry for bad English.

ademsenel commented 8 years ago

Hi Can you explain when and how is the issues appears. And what type of project used. (mvc forms ex.)

maybe something is wrong with iis server if you use local iis. you should use iis express then try it.

DeluxZ commented 8 years ago

I seem to have the same problem as described. I have a MVC web application running on IIS Express. Coding in VS2015

When I start debugging (with Chrome or IE) my application for the first time it works perfect. When I stop debugging and want to start my application again it keeps loading forever. I also noticed that my IIS Express Worker Process isn't killed when I stop debugging (but that may be a problem with VS2015?)

My web.config looks like this:

<add key="MvcSiteMapProvider_IncludeAssembliesForScan" value="WebApplication2" />
<add key="MvcSiteMapProvider_UseExternalDIContainer" value="false" />
<add key="MvcSiteMapProvider_ScanAssembliesForSiteMapNodes" value="true" />
<add key="MvcSiteMapProvider_EnableSiteMapFile" value="false" />
<add key="MvcSiteMapProvider_SecurityTrimmingEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="MvcSiteMapProvider_AttributesToIgnore" value="class" /> <!-- to ignore the class attribute in the url, -->

@NightOwl888 @maartenba This seems to be the same issue like But the solution provided in #379 doesn't work in my case. The debugger hangs on this.siteMapCache = new SiteMapCache(new RuntimeCacheProvider<ISiteMap>(System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.Default)); in SiteMapLoaderContainer.cs

moejoe commented 8 years ago

I posted the same Response to #379 yesterday: we had the same problem for the past weeks, and i found some information that seems to confirm, that the problem is actually in the performance counter library. See : for detailed information, and a fix.

NightOwl888 commented 8 years ago

@hbdbim @DeluxZ Can you confirm that in fact you are using OWIN as the article @moejoe linked to suggests is part of the underlying cause of the issue? Also...

  1. What culture is setup on the system?
  2. What culture is configured as the default in ASP.NET?
  3. What culture are you using on the current thread when you see the issue?
DeluxZ commented 8 years ago

@NightOwl888 Well we have switched from no DI with MvcSiteMapProvider (we used LightInject) to DI with Castle Windsor. It's working now for us.