maartenba / MvcSiteMapProvider

An ASP.NET MVC SiteMapProvider implementation for the ASP.NET MVC framework.
Microsoft Public License
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issue with mvcsitemap when use tamperproof url tokens #473

Open vikasNew opened 6 years ago

vikasNew commented 6 years ago


i have added dynamic tokens into url's. tokens generated dynamically for every page based on controller, action and ids.

i have added this token into preservedRouteParameters but after adding tokens into url my breadcrumbs does not navigate to correct page. because it always uses current page token to navigate but previous page has different token.

below is the scenario which i have.

my previous page url is:- current page url is:-

but my breadcrumb shows the below url to navigate previous page:-

correct navigation url should be:-

please help me on how to resolve this issue.

what should i do to resolve this issue with dynamic token to url.
