maartenl / Land-of-Karchan

Where one can change into a hero with a single swipe of his sword.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Changing God #232

Closed wastedshame closed 3 weeks ago

wastedshame commented 9 months ago

I accidentally made a bot instead of a shopkeeper, but can't change the god from bot to shopkeeper.

Also, I can't delete bots and remake them, and I'd like to keep the name.

May we please have an option to change this depending on needs?

Thank you!

maartenl commented 9 months ago

What happens when you try to delete a bot? There's a delete button in the admin character page, doesn't it work?

wastedshame commented 9 months ago

It doesn't work for bots. There are also come characters that cannot be deleted. I intended to delete the 'Nettie' character I made and possibly turn her into a bot, but was unable to delete the character. For some, the delete feature works fine. For others, not so much, especially bots.

maartenl commented 3 weeks ago

About the deleting of characters: Nettie apparently has mudmails and thus I cannot delete her using the Admin. I can get an error. Solution: upon deleting a character, automatically delete all the mudmails first. (I will implement this.)

maartenl commented 3 weeks ago

Damn, I had two different "delete" methods, one which did the proper thing and one which did the wrong thing. Consolidated. Hmm, seems I also only put in the "delete char" for actual players, fixed, now does all persons.

wastedshame commented 3 weeks ago

I was successfully able to delete 'Nettie', but still have characters that I can't delete (or rather, characters I turned into bots that I no longer want to be bots). Example: Tarnas has his God set to Shopkeeper. I no longer want him to be a shopkeeper, as I intend to play him. I cannot change his god to anything, and I can't delete him to start over.