maartenl / Land-of-Karchan

Where one can change into a hero with a single swipe of his sword.
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Shopkeeper Gold #240

Open wastedshame opened 9 months ago

wastedshame commented 9 months ago

I know I keep mentioning how we need to be able to give gold to bots who are running out, but I think I might have a better idea.

I would like to request that all shopkeeper bots (including current, existing shopkeeper bots), be bottomless pits of gold. Basically, they never run out of gold. I think this would be an easier remedy than us having to keep on top of which bots are running out of gold and fixing it with our gold (which is a finite amount since we can no longer adjust our wealth in the admin pages).

63 is the current bug report, but I like this better.

Also, I've fixed 1/2 of that problem, and found a way to stock bots using a command I made, so the bug is half solved at this point anyway.