maartenl / Land-of-Karchan

Where one can change into a hero with a single swipe of his sword.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dark Mode Button in Game #242

Closed wastedshame closed 4 days ago

wastedshame commented 8 months ago

A player recently lamented how they wish they had access to the dark mode button once already logged in, and it didn't sound like a bad idea.

I thought I would mention this here. She briefly touched on it in the player discuss channel on the discord server.

maartenl commented 2 weeks ago

I can do this, but I do have a question about what you want:

  1. have the darkmode button available in the "Settings", right above "websockets".
  2. have the darkmode button available in the "Playing the game" part.
maartenl commented 2 weeks ago

For now. I've put it in the "Settings".

wastedshame commented 2 weeks ago

I asked the player that requested this what she preferred, but she hasn't seen it yet. Settings should be fine though. Thank you. :)